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Confinement-Induced Nonlocality and Casimir Force in Transdimensional Systems

dc.contributor.authorBondarev, Igor V.
dc.contributor.authorPugh, Michael D.
dc.contributor.authorRodriguez-Lopez, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorWoods, Lilia M.
dc.contributor.authorAntezza, Mauro
dc.identifier.citationPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 29257-29265es
dc.description.abstractWe study within the framework of the Lifshitz theory the long-range Casimir force for in-plane isotropic and anisotropic free-standing transdimensional material slabs. In the former case{,} we show that the confinement-induced nonlocality not only weakens the attraction of ultrathin slabs but also changes the distance dependence of the material-dependent correction to the Casimir force to go as contrary to the ∼1/l dependence of that of the local Lifshitz force. In the latter case{,} we use closely packed array of parallel aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes in a dielectric layer of finite thickness to demonstrate strong orientational anisotropy and crossover behavior for the inter-slab attractive force in addition to its reduction with decreasing slab thickness. We give physical insight as to why such a pair of ultrathin slabs prefers to stick together in the perpendicularly oriented manner{,} rather than in the parallel relative orientation as one would customarily
dc.publisherThe Royal Society of Chemistryes
dc.titleConfinement-Induced Nonlocality and Casimir Force in Transdimensional Systemses

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