Fine, BenDimakou, Ourania2025-01-302025-01-302016Fine, Ben, and Ourania Dimakou. Macroeconomics: A Critical Companion. Pluto Press, 2016.9781783718061 en turco y coreanoMacroeconomics is fundamental to our understanding of how the world functions today. But too often our understanding is based on orthodox, canonized analysis. In this rule-breaking book, Ben Fine and Ourania Dimakou provides an engaging, heterodox primer for those interested in an alternative to mainstream macroeconomic theory and history. From classical theory to the Keynesian revolution and more modern forms including the Monetarist counterrevolution, New Classical Fundamentalism, and New Consensus Macroeconomics, Fine and Dimakou rigorously and comprehensively lay out the theories of mainstream economists, warts and all.enMacroeeonomicsCritique of MainstreamMacroeconomic methodology and historyMacroeconomics. A critical companionBook10.2307/j.ctt1bh49zwinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess