Hermoso Heimannsfeld, Jan Enrique2024-07-032024-07-032024-06-26https://hdl.handle.net/10115/36463Trabajo Fin de Grado leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2023/2024. Directores/as: Vera GelashviliThis thesis investigates how artificial intelligence (AI) will be revolutionizing financial management by using the basics of AI, application in financial services, AI risk analysis, fraud detection, investment portfolio optimization, and market prediction. It discusses future trends and ethical considerations related to improvements in efficiency, decision-making, and trust within AI and the financial sector.engArtificial IntelligenceFinancial ManagementMachine LearningDeep LearningRisk AnalysisFraud DetectionInvestment Portfolio OptimizationMarket PredictionEthical ConsiderationsFintechREVOLUTIONIZING FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: THE ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MODERN FINANCEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/studentThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccess