Alstani, Ana Maria2024-07-052024-07-052024-06-27 Fin de Grado leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2023/2024. Directores/as: Benito Luis Cadenas NoreñaWaiting lists for surgical interventions in Spain have reached alarming figures, with 850.000 patients pending surgery. Are we mismanaging our healthcare system? In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, medical inspectors describe the situation as a "total collapse" and are preparing for a strike in the face of a staff shortage that has led to an unsustainable workload. In the wake of the global pandemic, we are living the aftermath in an already overburdened system. Not only are there long waits, but also a significant increase in the costs of operations, deliveries, and caesarean sections, with marked differences between autonomous communities. Could a small co-payment per consult be part of the solution? To explore this possibility, we turn to the proposals of Milton Friedman (1912- 2006), one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. Friedman, with his focus on free markets and competition, offered innovative ideas on health economics. His approaches for controlling public spending and improving the efficiency of the healthcare system may be key to addressing current problems. The economist suggested the privatization of certain aspects of the healthcare system and the introduction of private initiatives within the public system. His vision seeks to encourage innovation and continuous improvement in health care, proposing greater competition among health care providers. Although his ideas may be controversial and not always fully applicable to the Spanish context, exploring his proposals invites us to a crucial debate on possible reforms. Analysing his recommendations may offer solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services, ensuring a more equitable distribution of resources and higher quality healthcare for all Spaniards. It is time to consider alternatives and debate how we can transform our healthcare system to effectively address these challenges. For the development of this essay, a structured methodology has been followed combining the review of different academic literature. An exhaustive literature review was carried out, consulting academic articles, specialized books and reports from recognized institutions, using databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar. Financial data and statistics obtained from sources such as World Bank Data and OECD were analysed and compared with Milton Friedman's theories and proposals to assess their applicability in the Spanish context. This methodology allows for a rigorous and multifaceted assessment of the health care problem in Spain.engMilton Friedmanhealth carehealth policyliberalizationcompetitionreformsLA RESPUESTA DE MILTON FRIEDMAN AL PROBLEMA DEL SISTEMA SANITARIO ESPAÑ