Abad Carlés, Ana2025-01-082025-01-082022Abad Carlés, A. (2022). "La danza como metáfora: los intelectuales españoles y los Ballets Rusos." En Idoia Murga Castro, Carolina Miguel Arroyo, Irene López Arnáiz y Alejandro Coello Hernández (eds.), Tras los pasos de la Sílfide. Imaginarios españoles del ballet romántico a la danza moderna. Madrid: Minsiterio de Cultura y Deporte. Pp. 437-444-978-84-8181-805-5978-84-8181-804-8https://hdl.handle.net/10115/52217Many Spanish intellectuals wrote about Diaghilev's Ballets Russes during their visits to the country. However, most of them did not possess much knowledge on ballet or dance prior to their arrival. When they wrote about the Ballets Russes, what did they mean? In this paper, I look into their use of the company as a metaphor for their ideas to advance the country culturally and artistically.esBallets RusosDiaghilevManuel AzañaAdolfo SalazarCipriano Rivas-CheriffLa danza como metáfora: los intelectuales españoles y los Ballets RusosBook chapterinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess