Sanchez, ArielIagar, Razvan Gabriel2024-02-072024-02-072023R. G. Iagar and A. Sánchez, Radial equivalence and applications to the qualitative theory for a class of nonhomogeneous reaction-diffusion equations, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 46 (2023), 15799–15827. DOI 10.1002/mma.94270170-4214 transformations acting on radially symmetric solutions to the followingclass of nonhomogeneous reaction-diffusion equations|x|𝜎1𝜕tu=Δum+|x|𝜎2up,(x,t)∈RN×(0,∞),which has been proposed in a number of previous mathematical works as wellas in several physical models, are introduced. We consider herem≥1,p≥1,N≥1, and𝜎1,𝜎2real exponents. We apply these transformations in connec-tion to previous results on the one hand to deduce general qualitative propertiesof radially symmetric solutions and on the other hand to construct self-similarsolutions, which are expected to be patterns for the dynamics of the equations,strongly improving the existing theory. We also introduce mappings betweensolutions which work in the semilinear casem=1engHardy-Hénon equations, nonhomogeneous porous medium, radially symmetric solutions, reaction-diffusion equations, self-similar solutions, weighted reactionRadial equivalence and applications to the qualitative theory for a class of nonhomogeneous reaction-diffusion equationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/review10.1002/mma.9427info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess