García Labrador, Julián2024-02-262024-02-262021-07-27Labrador, J.G. (2021). Pandemia y autonomía indígena: Territorialización del cuidado en la Amazonia ecuatoriana / Pandemic and Indigenous Autonomy: Territorialization of Care in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography 20(2), 9-38. this article I analyze the response of the Secoya people of Ecuador to Covid-19 in the context of the exercise of territorial self-determination. I explore the history and logic of their relationship with the territory, considered a refuge from the pandemic, and explain how they deployed a social system of care through traditional medicine and assisted isolationspaCovid-19AmazoniaEcuadorIndigenous territorialityPandemia y autonomía indígena. Territorialización del cuidado en la Amazonía ecuatorianainfo:eu-repo/semantics/article10.1353/lag.2021.0027info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess