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Design and validation of a self-assessment tool for STE(A)M teachers in CLIL contexts
(Omnia Science, 2025-03-19) Luelmo del Castillo, María José; Izquierdo Sánchez-Migallón, Elvira; Vinuesa-Benítez, Virginia; García-Manzanares, Nuria
In bilingual education, the integration of STE(A)M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) with CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) establishes a dynamic learning environment wherein students concurrently develop scientific, technical, linguistic, and creative competencies. These methodologies cultivate essential 21st-century skills, including collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. This investigation aims to accomplish two primary objectives: to develop a self-assessment rubric for integrating STE(A)M and CLIL methodologies and to validate this rubric utilizing the Delphi method. This research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques to develop and validate a self-assessment rubric for integrating STE(A)M and CLIL methodologies in bilingual education. The study was conducted in three phases: initially, the research team developed and refined the rubric through a comprehensive literature review to ensure it was grounded in theoretical frameworks and pedagogical practices. Subsequently, a panel of specialists was convened using the Nominal Group Technique to collaboratively design the initial rubric. Finally, the Delphi method was employed to validate and refine the rubric through two rounds of expert consultation, involving twelve academic professionals. The final rubric comprises 23 items, structured into two key dimensions: (1) the integration of STE(A)M and CLIL and (2) the design and planning of the teaching and learning process. The results indicate that the CLIL-STE(A)M-SAT rubric is a reliable instrument for assessing the integration of these methodologies. It demonstrates potential for future research and practical application by primary school educators in bilingual STE(A)M-focused contexts.
Advances in Greener and Sustainable Sample Preparation for Tropane Alkaloid Analysis in Foods
(Springer, 2025-02-07) González-Gómez, Lorena; Fernández-Pintor, Begoña; Gañán, Judith; Morante-Zarcero, Sonia; Pérez-Quintanilla, Damián; Sierra, Isabel
In the current context, Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) focuses on promoting analytical methods that are more efficient and environmentally friendly. One of the fundamental principles of GAC is to reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous substances and minimize waste generation. One of the ways to achieve this is through the adoption of direct analytical techniques that can omit the sample preparation step. However, in the case of the determination of natural toxins, such as tropane alkaloids (TAs), carrying out direct analysis can be difficult due to several factors. For example, these compounds are often present in foods of plant origin with very complex matrices, in low concentrations, which makes their direct detection and quantification difficult. Therefore, in this context, sample preparation remains essential to clean up extracts and to concentrate analytes prior to their analysis. This chapter highlights the crucial importance of sample preparation in the determination of TAs. It emphasizes the fundamental role of miniaturized techniques and new materials applied in such techniques, which can contribute significantly to the search for more sustainable analytical practices. In this sense, an evaluation is carried out using the AGREEprep metric to analyze the miniaturized methods already published. This metric allows for a systematic evaluation of sample preparation methods in terms of their efficiency, sustainability, and compliance with the principles of Green Sample Preparation (GSP), which arises to better the principles of GAC. Positive and negative points of existing methods are identified, and possible modifications are suggested to improve their performance and make sample preparation greener.
Exploring Adsorption Performance of Functionalized Mesoporous Silicas with a Different Pore Structure as Strong Cation-Exchange Sorbents for Solid-Phase Extraction of Atropine and Scopolamine
(MDPI, 2025-01-10) Vera Baquero, Fernando Leonardo; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Pérez Quintanilla, Damián; Sierra , Isabel
In this work, mesoporous silicas with two types of mesoporous structures were synthesized and functionalized with sulfonic acid groups: MCM-41-SO3H (honeycomblike hexagonal structure) and MSU-2-SO3H (three-dimensional porous structure with wormhole pores). The synthesized materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption–desorption, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, 29Si solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. The obtained functionalized materials were evaluated as sorbents for strong cation-exchange solid-phase extraction (SPE) to determine their efficiency in the adsorption and desorption of tropane alkaloids (atropine and scopolamine). The loading solvents, loading volume, analyte concentration, and elution volume were studied, using 50 mg of both materials. Analyses were carried out by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. The synthesized MCM-41-SO3H material presented the highest recovery efficiency and has proven to be a promising sorbent for strong cation-exchange SPE of atropine and scopolamine in aqueous media. The high degree of functionalization of MCM-41-SO3H and the high accessibility of the sulfonic groups for the target analytes, due to the regularity and uniformity of their pores, maximize the contact between the alkaloids and the sorbent, favoring efficient adsorption.
Divulgación y difusión del conocimiento a través de las redes sociales científicas
(XESCOM. Red Internacional de Investigación de Gestión de la Comunicación, 2019-02-12) Flores Vivar , Jesús Miguel; Zaharia, Ana María
Manejador de Variables en XML
(2025) García Morales, Jan
La plataforma Moodle permite diferentes e interesantes vías de evaluación del alumnado haciendo posible automatizar diferentes procedimientos como la generación y evaluación de ejercicios de forma telemática. El programa "Manejador de Variables en XML" se utiliza como herramienta complementaria para la de generación de exámenes, en particular, sobre la modalidad de examen con preguntas calculadas de opción múltiple. De esta manera se puede variar los valores de los datos del enunciado haciendo que cada estudiante tenga una variante diferente del mismo problema con diferentes datos. La interfaz que proporciona Moodle para generar preguntas es bastante satisfactoria permitiendo incluir fórmulas codificadas en el lenguaje TeX , añadir imágenes en diferentes formatos permitiendo variar su tamaño y la posición dentro del enunciado y más posibilidades de edición. Sin embargo, esta interfaz presenta ciertas limitaciones que dificultan en gran medida el tipo de ejercicio que se puede proponer. El mayor escollo radica a la hora de programar las posibles opciones de respuesta en función de los distintos valores que tomen los datos del enunciado. La forma de hacerlo es escribiendo la fórmula en una única línea de código, al igual que se haría en una calculadora programable, lo que limita el tipo de problema que se puede generar ya que si la solución depende de un procedimiento extenso. Otra de las limitaciones del editor de Moodle está a la hora de la generación de los diferentes valores de los datos para diferentes estudiantes, es decir, la generación de los números pseudoaleatorios de los datos. Ciertamente, Moodle sí permite cierta edición al dejar elegir el rango mínimo y máximo que puede tomar cada dato, el número de decimales de cada dato y el tipo de distribución de probabilidad que siguen los datos entre dos opciones: uniforme o logarítmica uniforme. Este programa es una alternativa para esquivar el uso la programación de las fórmulas en Moodle. El programa está escrito con código abierto en Python que, por su versatilidad y gratuidad, se encuentra en las primeras listas de uso en cuanto a número de personas que lo utilizan. Este programa permitirá dar solución a las carencias actuales de Moodle, permitiendo importar tanto los datos del problema como las respuestas generadas de una forma rápida e intuitiva reduciendo de manera notoria el tiempo que llevaría hacerlo si usásemos solamente Moodle y, además, permitiendo explotar todas las posibilidades que son prácticamente infinitas.