Examinando por Autor "Abad, Manuel"
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Ítem Faunal evidence of the 1755 Lisbon Tsunami in Gibraltar (S Iberian Peninsula)(Elsevier, 2022) Abad, Manuel; Clemente, María José; González-Regalado, María Luz; Ruiz, Francisco; Rodríguez Vidal, Joaquín; Cáceres, Luis Miguel; Izquierdo, Tatiana; Pérez Quintero, Juan Carlos; Tosquella, Josep; Pozo, Manuel; Gómez, Paula; Toscano, Antonio; Romero, Verónica; Arroyo, Marta; Gómez, GabrielThis paper analyzes the first systematic faunal record of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in the Mediterranean. On the basis of sedimentological and paleontological features, the sedimentary record of a core collected in Gibraltar was divided into six sedimentary facies, with a paleoenvironmental evolution from a shallow marine paleoenviroment to an increasingly restricted lagoon. This record includes a bioclastic layer deposited by the 1755 Lisbon tsunami and characterized by an erosive base, presence of basal rip-up clasts and abundant shell debris composed by marine and brackish molluscs. The paleoenvironmental reconstruction derived from the foraminiferal analysis is congruent with that inferred from the sedimentary and the macrofaunal reconstructions, with the introduction of brackish species into the innermost, intertidal areas of a confined lagoon. This paleontological record is the first faunal evidence of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in the Mediterranean.Ítem Historical catastrophic floods at the southern edge of the Atacama Desert: A multi-archive reconstruction of the Copiapó river extreme events(Elsevier, 2024-03-11) Izquierdo, Tatiana; Rivera, Ai-ling; Galeano, Ángela; Gallardo, Diego; Salas, Verónica; Aparicio, Olga; Buylaert, Jan-Pieter; Ruiz, Francisco; Abad, ManuelThe last hydrometeorological extreme event that caused large floods in the southern Atacama Desert in March 2015 raised concern about how little was known about the fluvial dynamic of these arid basins. Understanding the response of intermittent and ephemeral rivers in drylands to the present context of global change is critical to preserve the ecological and human systems they support, to sustainably manage their scarce water resources and to develop flood risk management plans. We have studied the instrumental and historical record and explored the potential of the Copiap´o River geological record in the comprehension of how extraordinary the 2015 flood was and how its fluvial dynamic relates with global climate oscillations. We have identified 36 flood events that have occurred in the last 400 years: 22 of them have been classified as ordinary rises of the river flow (discharges <30 m3/s), 11 as extraordinary floods in which the damage is confined to areas adjacent to the river (discharges 30–180 m3/s), and only 3 as catastrophic floods (discharges >180 m3/s), including the 2015 flood event. The incorporation of the historical and palaeohydrological data into the flood frequency analysis results in an increase of the magnitude of the flood quantiles in which large flood events occur with an average recurrence interval of 120 years. Most of the flood events were caused by heavy rains that are largely linked to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation with a superimposed effect of the ENSO. Discharges >30 m3/s, i.e., extraordinary and catastrophic floods, occur with positive phases of the PDO and the ENSO. Further exploration of the fluvial geological record of the Copiap´o River will help lengthening to thousands of years the flood record what will help improving communities’ resilience by anticipating flood hazards in the current global change context, in which stronger rainfall events modulated by ENSO and ENSO-like conditions are expected.Ítem Lugares de Interés Geológico del Valle del Copiapó. Geopatrimonio, geodiversidad, geoturismo(Letra Capital Ediciones, 2022-10-30) Abad, Manuel; Moisan, Philippe; Izquierdo, TatianaEn las últimas décadas se ha puesto de manifiesto en multitud de lugares del mundo el gran atractivo que tiene para la sociedad las Ciencias de la Tierra. Las zonas del planeta donde la expresión de la geología se combina con la espectacularidad de los paisajes se descubren como auténticos laboratorios de divulgación, aprendizaje y ocio. El valle del río Copiapó posee un inmenso y heterogéneo patrimonio geológico y minero que se extiende desde su borde costero hasta las zonas cordilleranas andinas consecuencia de la interacción entre su compleja geografía, su particular contexto climático y, sobre todo, su extensísima variedad y cantidad de afloramientos geológicos, que suponen una manifestación excepcional y viva de la geología. Desde el Gobierno Regional de Atacama, la Universidad de Atacama y diferentes entidades privadas se está impulsando este recurso como motor de desarrollo socioeconómico de la zona, dedicando grandes esfuerzos para poner en valor este patrimonio. Este libro trata de difundir y dar a conocer desde una perspectiva transversal, rigurosa, científica y asequible, la geología de la provincia de Copiapó para transferir ese conocimiento a la sociedad, reforzar sus vínculos con este entorno, realizar un llamado de atención ante la necesidad de proteger este recurso y, finalmente, incentivar el geoturismo en este sector del Desierto de Atacama meridional.