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Ítem Does gender affect entrepreneurship? Evidence from Spanish and Argentinian business incubators(Elsevier, 2024-01) ROSADO-CUBERO, ANA; HERNANDEZ, ADOLFO; BLANCO-JIMENEZ, FRANCISCO JOSE; FREIRE-RUBIO, TERESAThis study presents our findings from a systematic analysis of gender and entrepreneurship in Spanish and Argentinian incubators for 2020 and 2021. We improved our understanding of the unique challenges women entrepreneurs face in Spain compared to those in Argentina. Regarding gender and entrepreneurship in in- cubators, our findings show that neither country exhibits significant differences in success or failure rates nor in the type of financial model (state or public). However, we encountered significant differences in the inter- nationalisation rates of businesses, which reflect a predominantly male profile. Finally, the analysis of the reach of this rate will focus on the type of financing, state versus private.Ítem Keys of accelerators success: evidence from Spain(Springer, 2024-06-22) ROSADO-CUBERO, ROSA; HERNANDEZ, ADOLFO; BLANCO-JIMENEZ, FRANCISCO JOSE; FREIRE -RUBIO, TERESAAmong the policies to support entrepreneurs, accelerators of companies are recog- nized in the academic, political and business environment as effective tools to sup- port the creation of new companies by meeting their needs in their early stages. The purpose of this article is to detect variables relevant to predicting the success of an accelerator. To that end, a questionnaire of 87 questions was designed and distrib- uted to all accelerators present in Spain at the end of 2022. In the first instance, an index is proposed to measure the success of accelerators using the statistic tool Prin- cipal Component Analysis. The index includes information such as the percentage of projects that have achieved the objectives set during the programme, the percentage of projects that continue their activity or the percentage that have received public/ private funding. In this paper, through a multivariate lineal regression analysis, we identify the elements in an accelerator which contribute to its success, measured by the index obtained initially. The key factors that contribute to the success of accel- erators are Profit making entity, Number of calls and Training seminar. This work offers suggestions for future research to explore the potential of business accelera- tors. From a practical perspective, the article provides managers of accelerators a guide to design and improve programs according to their goals.Ítem Relationship Among the Startup Incubation Process Phases: A Structural Equation Model(IEEE, 2024) ASENSIO-CIRIA, ANA; DE-PABLOS-HEREDERO, CARMEN; BLANCO-JIMENEZ, FRANCISCO JOSE; MONTES-BOTELLA , JOSE LUIS; GARCIA MARTINEZ, ANTONThis article quantifies the relationships among the different phases of the business incubation process. A total of 89 surveys coming from business incubators in Spain in the period 2022–2023 have been collected. A structural equation model (SEM) is applied to determine the association among incubation phases 1, 2, 3, and 4. The results show that the “spreading entrepreneurship” phase has a strongly positive significative influence on preincu- bation, phases 1 and 2 (hypothesis 1) basic incubation, phase 3 (hypothesis 4), and advanced incubation phase 4 (hypothesis 5). Besides, a moderate positive influence was found between prein- cubation and basic incubation (hypothesis 2) and between prein- cubation and advanced incubation (hypothesis 6). In this context, spreading entrepreneurship will be a useful tool to determine the success of entrepreneurship during the incubation process. Improv- ing variables, such as counseling, channels, and training, will posi- tively impact incubation. Therefore, taking action at the spreading entrepreneurship stage to improve the business incubator results and evaluate the structural deficiencies of entrepreneurs to improve their training level and technicians’ specialization is recommended. Applying SEM models in business incubators to evaluate their influence on graduation rates will also be of great interest.