Examinando por Autor "Espada, Juan J."
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Ítem A Generalized Model to Predict the Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium in the Systems Furfural+Lubricating Oils(ELSEVIER, 2006) Coto, Baudilio; van Grieken, Rafael; Peña, José L.; Espada, Juan J.In the lubricating oil manufacturing process, the aromatic content of vacuum distillates is reduced by solvent extraction, frequently with furfural. These mixtures present very complex composition which makes difficult the description of the liquid-liquid equilibrium involved. In previous studies, the possibility to describe such equilibrium by using a reduced number of pseudo-components and the NRTL model has been stated. In this work, a generalized model to describe the liquid-liquid equilibrium in the systems furfural+lubricating oils is presented. The generalized model is based on a correlation of pseudo-component properties (specific gravity, density, refractive index and sulfur content) and NRTL parameters with the oil average boiling temperature which has been developed from the model description for SPD and HND mixtures. This method allows set up a suitable thermodynamic model for any lubricant oil cut by using as experimental information only the average boiling point and three physical properties (density, refractive index and sulfur content) of the distillate used as feed. The accuracy of the model was checked by simulating single-stage extractions carried out with different lube oil cuts within the range SPD-HND in different experimental conditions. Calculated and experimental yields, furfural content and physical properties of the raffinates and extracts were compared and a good agreement was obtained.Ítem A model to predict physical properties for light lubricating oils and its application to the extraction process by furfural(ELSEVIER, 2006) Coto, Baudilio; van Grieken, Rafael; Peña, José L.; Espada, Juan J.In the lubricating oil manufacturing process, the aromatic content of vacuum distillates is reduced by solvent extraction, frequently with furfural. In this work, a method based on average pseudo-components properties is developed to calculate physical properties (density, refractive index and sulfur content) of hydrocarbon mixtures. Obtained values were compared to those calculated by other methods reported in the literature, obtaining similar results. In order to simulate the extraction operation, a model based on a reduced number of pseudo-components and the NRTL model is reported for the system furfural+SPD lubricating oil. Thereafter, the extraction operation was simulated by using such model and Aspen Plus® commercial software. Good agreement was found between predicted and experimental values of yield, furfural content, composition and physical properties for raffinates and extracts.Ítem A new method for the determination of wax precipitation from non-diluted crude oils by fractional precipitation(ELSEVIER, 2008) Coto, Baudilio; Martos, Carmen; Peña, José L.; Espada, Juan J.; Robustillo, María D.Wax precipitation is one of the most important flow assurance problems. Unfortunately, experimental data are very scarce to confirm existing models for prediction of such precipitation problem. This work reports a new experimental method. Multistage fractional wax precipitation was carried out by decreasing the temperature of crude oil. No solvent dilution was used, so the effect of solvent on temperature wax precipitation was avoided. The reproducibility of the method was tested with comparable results. The precipitation curve and the wax appearance temperature were obtained for two crude oils with different chemical nature using the reported method.Ítem A successful method for phycocyanin extraction from Arthrospira platensisusing [Emim] [EtSO4] ionic liquid(Wiley, 2021) Sánchez-Laso, Jennifer; Piera, Alejandro; Vicente, Gemma; Bautista, Luis Fernando; Rodríguez, Rosalía; Espada, Juan J.Research into the extraction of phycobiliprotein from Arthrospira platensis is currently ongoing. Most traditional methods of phycobiliprotein extraction include the use of organic solvents, which negatively affect the sustainability of the process. Ionic liquids (ILs) are a promising alternative for phycobiliprotein extraction due to their properties as green solvents. In the present work an imidazolium-based IL and sonication were studied for phycobiliprotein and carbohydrate extraction. A factorial experimental design was used to optimize the amount of extracted phycocyanin. The maximum extraction yield was achieved by using low biomass/solvent ratios combined with high IL/water ratios and sonication powers, and long operation times. The recovery of IL was studied under these conditions using a dialysis-based process to separate the IL from the extracted phycobiliproteins. The results reveal the possibility of using the recovered IL for seven consecutive extraction cycles with an acceptable phycocyanin extraction amount, from 75 mg g−1 (fresh IL) to 60 mg g−1 (7 cycles of reused IL). The use of [Emim] [EtSO4] + ultrasound is a promising alternative for phycocyanin extraction, enhancing the results obtained with other IL in terms of extracted phycocyanin and the number of times the IL can be reused.Ítem Application of a generalized model to the estimation of physical properties and description of the aromatic extraction from a highly paraffinic lubricating oil(ELSEVIER, 2008) Coto, Baudilio; van Grieken, Rafael; Peña, José L.; Espada, Juan J.In the lubricating oil manufacturing process, the aromatic content of vacuum distillates is reduced by solvent extraction, frequently with furfural. In this work, a generalized model (based on a reduced number of pseudo-components and the NRTL model) for estimation of activity coefficients is applied to the simulation of the extraction process of aromatics by furfural from a highly paraffinic Argentinian lubricating oil. Such model proposes a linear dependence between the pseudo-component properties and the NRTL parameters with the average boiling point of the distillate used as feed. Physical properties of the mixtures are calculated using the calculated pseudo-component properties. Obtained values are compared to those calculated by other methods reported in the literature, obtaining no remarkable deviations, but showing the influence of the paraffinic content on the accuracy of the predictions. The extraction process is simulated using the calculated pseudo-component properties and the NRTL parameters by means of Aspen Plus® commercial software. Good agreement was found between predicted and experimental values of yield, furfural content and composition.Ítem Coupling phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated soil and biomass energy production: A comparative Life Cycle Assessment(Elsevier, 2022) Espada, Juan J.; Rodríguez, Rosalía; Gari, Vanessa; Salcedo-Abraira, Pablo; Bautista, Luis FernandoPhytoremediation is an in-situ remediation technology based on the ability of plants to fix pollutants from the soil. In this sense, plants such as Festuca arundinacea are a promising for heavy metal removal in contaminated soils. The present work studies phytoremediation for Pb removal from a contaminated soil located in Spain using F. arundinacea by applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach. Two different options for biomass management were assessed: direct disposal in a security landfill (case 1A) and energy recovery (case 1B). For the latter option, cogeneration was simulated using SuperPro Designer 9.5. In addition, traditional treatments such as soil washing (case 2) and excavation + landfill (case 3) were evaluated in terms of environmental impacts by LCA. The former was simulated using SuperPro Designer 9.5, whereas data from literature were used for the latter to perform the LCA. Results showed that biomass disposal in a landfill was the most important contributor to the overall impact in case 1A. In contrast, biomass conditioning and cogeneration were the main steps responsible for environmental impacts in case 1B. Comparing cases 1A and 1B, the energy recovery from biomass was superior to direct landfill disposal, reducing the environmental impacts in most of the studied categories. Regarding the rest of the treatments, chemical production and soil disposal presented the most critical environmental burdens in cases 2 and 3, respectively. Finally, the comparison between the studied cases revealed that phytoextraction + energy recovery was the most environmentally friendly option for the studied conditions, reducing impacts by 30–100%.Ítem Environmental impact analysis of surface printing and 3D inkjet printing applications using an imine based covalent organic framework: A life cycle assessment study(Elsevier, 2023) Espada, Juan J.; Rodríguez, Rosalía; Peña, Alejandro de la; Ramos, Mar; Segura, José L.; Sánchez-Carnerero, Esther M.Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are emerging materials with structural modularity that allows their application in many fields. The aim of this work is to determine the environmental impact of using an imine based covalent organic framework (RT-COF-1) for both surface printing (Case A) and 3D inkjet printing (Case B) by applying Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Experimental data on RT-COF-1 synthesis as well as results obtained by simulation of their precursors production, 1,3,5-tris-(4-aminophenyl) benzene (TAPB) and 1,3,5-benzenetricarbaldehyde (BTCA), are used. LCA results show that monomer synthesis is the most important contributor to environmental impacts in both case studies. On the other hand, the contribution of solvents used in Case A is also remarkable. The comparison between both case studies indicates that the environmental impacts of Case B is lower than that of Case A (reduction within 5%–65%). Finally, LCA results of Case B are compared to other materials used for 3D-printing, such as polymerizable ionic liquids (PILs). The results show that RT–COF–1 compares favourably with PILs in five of nine impact categories, being especially relevant the reductions achieved in the abiotic depletion and acidification potential (>90%), in the primary energy consumption (⁓35%) and carbon footprint (⁓50%), suggesting the potential of RT–COF–1 as 3D-printing material from an environmental perspective. This work is a first step for further research to highlight the main environmental burdens of using COF-based materials in this application.Ítem Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium in the Systems Furfural+Light Lubricating Oils using UNIFAC(ELSEVIER, 2007) Espada, Juan J.; Coto, Baudilio; Peña, José L.In the lubricating oil manufacturing process, the aromatic content of vacuum distillates is reduced by solvent extraction, frequently with furfural. The complex composition of such mixtures makes the description of the liquid-liquid equilibrium involved difficult. In previous studies, the possibility to describe such equilibrium by using a reduced number of pseudo-components and the NRTL model has been stated. In this work, a different approach model was checked by using four model-molecules and a group contribution method. The molecular structure of model-molecules was determined regarding their different chemical nature and their physical properties. Dortmund modified UNIFAC model was used and the interaction parameters were calculated by correlating equilibrium data using AspenPlus©. The developed model was applied to describe the extraction operation of a light lubricating oil with furfural. Two sets of extraction experiments were considered. One of them was used to fit the needed parameters and the second one to check the predictive capability of the model. In both cases good agreement was obtained between experimental and calculated values for yields, furfural content composition and sulfur content of the involved mixtures. Most calculated values are as accurate as those obtained with the previously model, but a better description of the sulfur content was obtained.Ítem Novel Biorefinery Approach for Phycocyanin Extraction and Purification and Biocrude Production from Arthrospira platensis(ACS, 2023) Sánchez-Laso, Jennifer; Espada, Juan J.; Rodríguez, Rosalía; Vicente, Gemma; Bautista, Luis FernandoA new biorefinery from Arthrospira platensis was proposed to obtain phycocyanin (PC) and a biocrude by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL). PC is a high-added-value phycobiliprotein widely used as a food colorant and in the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries. However, the use of conventional solvents in the extraction process and the purity grade of the extract are shortcomings in bioproduct production. PC was extracted using a reusable ionic liquid [EMIM][EtSO4], achieving a PC purity of the lowest commercial grade. Therefore, two downstream processes were applied: (1) dialysis + precipitation and (2) aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) + dialysis + precipitation. After the second purification process, the PC purity increased remarkably to reach the analytical grade for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications. The waste biomass (WB) obtained in the PC extraction was valorized by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) to produce a biocrude. The biocrude yield and composition remarkably enhanced using isopropanol at 350 °C as a cosolvent.Ítem Optimised phycoerythrin extraction method from Porphyridium sp. combining imidazolium-based ionic liquids(Elsevier, 2024-07-30) Piera, Alejandro; Espada, Juan J.; Morales, Victoria; Rodríguez, Rosalía; Vicente, Gemma; Bautista, Luis FernandoPhycoerythrin (PE) extraction from Porphyridium sp. was studied employing ultrasound-assisted extraction combined with aqueous mixtures of two imidazolium-based ionic liquids (ILs) simultaneously, marking a significant novelty. A face-centred central composite design and response surface optimised PE yield (EPE), considering the effects of ionic liquid concentration (IL), [Emim][EtSO4]/[Bmim][EtSO4] mass ratio (E/B), biomass concentration (BM), and time (t). Improvements in EPE by 300 % and 115 % were achieved compared to a phosphate buffer solution and the freeze-thaw method, respectively. Temperature and pH effects were examined independently, leading to the determination of optimal operating conditions: BM = 10 mg mL−1, IL = 18.6 wt%, E/B = 0.78/0.22, t = 10 min, T = 35 °C, and pH = 7.5. Results indicated the potential for reusing the ILs for at least five consecutive extraction cycles, maintaining an EPE of 94.2 % compared to fresh ones. This underscores the success and innovation of the developed technology in enhancing PE extraction from Porphyridium spÍtem Simulation of pilot-plant extraction experiments to reduce the aromatic content from lubricating oils(ELSEVIER, 2008) Espada, Juan J.; Coto, Baudilio; van Grieken, Rafael; Moreno, Juan M.In the lubricating oil manufacturing process, the aromatic content from vacuum distillates is reduced by solvent extraction, frequently with furfural. These mixtures present very complex composition which makes difficult the description of the liquid¿liquid equilibrium involved. In previous studies the possibility to describe such equilibrium by using a reduced number of pseudo-components and the NRTL model has been shown. In this generalized model few physical properties of the lubricating oil used as feed are needed as experimental information. In this work, such model was applied to pilot-plant experiments carried out with different lube oils within the range (SPD¿HND). The accuracy of the model was checked by simulating multi-stage extractions using AspenPlus©. Calculated and experimental yields, and refractive index of the involved mixtures were compared and a good agreement was obtained for the experiments carried out with the heavier lubricating oil cuts.