Examinando por Autor "Fuentes Lara, Cristina"
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Ítem A theory of integrated gendered work evaluation (IGWE): A gender analysis of the unequal race for leadership through work evaluation of satisfaction and stress in Europe(Journal of Public Relations Research. Routledge, 2022-01-06) Fuentes Lara, Cristina; Moreno Fernández, Ángeles; Tench, RalphThis paper proposes the theory of integrated gendered work evaluation in public relations (IGWE). It holds that gender inequalities in the workplace are intrinsically linked to work-related evaluations, specifically measured through levels of satisfaction and stress. We theoretically place our proposal in the integrative phase of feminist theory that acknowledges the holistic nature of workers’ lives and their commitment to fulfill not only their worker or employer roles but also their commitments to family and communities. The empirical contribution of this paper builds on past debates from two decades ago: the need for research to isolate factors that perpetuate gender discrimination. It explores factors of gender inequalities and conflicts that can affect the work-related evaluation of those people who make up the majority of the industry’s employees: female public relations professionals. IGWE theory provides a new way of identifying, contextualizing, theorizing and analyzing how gender discriminations affect work evaluations combining both workplace and private life experiences from an integrated gender perspective.Ítem Brechas y oportunidades de género en la dirección de la comunicación en España(Palabra Clave. Universidad de La Sabana, 2022-05-08) Fuentes Lara, Cristina; Moreno Fernández, Ángeles; Khalil, NadiaEn el ámbito de la comunicación, existe una mayoría de profesionales mujeres. Sin embargo, su situación en la profesión es desigual. Esta desigualdad va en contra del propio desarrollo de valores en las sociedades y de la necesaria legitimidad de las empresas y organizaciones. Las discrepancias por cuestión de género que perduran en la profesión incluyen diferencias al contratar, así como en los salarios y los ascensos. Esto es lo que muestran los estudios cuantitativos y cualitativos de los últimos años, específicamente en temas como la brecha salarial, el techo de cristal, los bajos salarios y la falta de mujeres en puestos altos de dirección, como chief executive officer (CEO) y de dirección corporativa. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar empíricamente las diferencias por razones de género que se producen en la profesión de dirección de comunicación en España. Así, se plantean problemas de género identificados por trabajos previos, pero que nunca han sido objeto de estudio sistemático y global en España. Estos problemas se concretan en cuatro: la denominada feminización de la profesión, la discriminación salarial, el techo de cristal y factores externos a la organización donde se trabaja. Para ello, se analizan estadísticamente datos basados en dos grupos de encuestas a profesionales y se observa que, efectivamente, todos estos problemas también afectan a la profesión en España.Ítem Covid-19 communication management in Spain: Exploring the effect of information-seeking behavior and message reception in public’s evaluation(Profesional De La información, 2020-07) Fuentes Lara, Cristina; Moreno Fernández, Ángeles; Navarro, CristinaThe World Health Organization (2011) has emphasized communication as one of the biggest challenges and places risk communication among the essential competencies required to tackle a pandemic. In light of the Covid-19 crisis, the aim of this paper is to assess how information forms and sources influence the public´s information-seeking behaviors, and the perception of government´s crisis response strategies during the pandemic. An online survey was conducted between March 14 and April 14, 2020, the first four weeks after the declaration of the State of Alarm in Spain. The online questionnaire included questions regarding information-seeking behavior, trust in different sources and channels, perception of government communication management, message retention, and demographic questions. Findings show a synchronous use of multiple media and platforms in line with channel complementarity theory. Three of the four most used information channels are considered mainstream news media. However, the second source of information is WhatsApp. People who relied more on the mainstream news media for Covid-19 information are generally most likely to express positive opinions of the government´s communication strategy. Findings also show that people less able to make correct attributions of governmental information were the most critical of the government´s crisis response. Finally, trust in public authorities´ decreases as the crisis evolves as a general matter. It is specially truth for the WHO, but there is also a striking exemption for local governments. Implications for theory and empirical research and recommendations and new issues to address are identified and discussed.Ítem El discurso de odio islamófobo en las redes sociales: Un análisis de las actitudes ante la islamofobia en Twitter(Revista Mediterranea de Comunicación, 2023-01-01) Fuentes Lara, Cristina; Arcila Calderón, CarlosEl objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar el discurso de odio por islamofobia en España mediante el análisis de los mensajes de la red social Twitter. En la actualidad, la forma de comunicarnos ha girado hacia una comunicación digital en la que tienen cabida la desinformación y las fake news. Además, todo esto se retroalimenta del enfoque comunicativo de la posverdad donde priman las emociones por encima de los hechos contrastados. La migración y, concretamente, la islamofobia se ve incrementada por acontecimientos puntuales como atentados yihadistas en Europa, y por otros más sistémicos como los niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes no acompañados en redes sociales. La metodología que se ha seguido en esta investigación es el análisis de contenido por medio de los mensajes de Twitter desde 2012 hasta 2021. Se han analizado más de 7.000 tuits que hacían referencia a hashtag islamófobos, y se han codificado-intercode-teniendo en cuenta las variables relacionadas con la temática. Posteriormente, se ha hecho un análisis estadístico univariante, bivariante y multivariante. Los resultados de la investigación muestran la existencia de un discurso de odio islamófobo en España diferencia en distintas posturas de islamofobia. Discusión: Existen tres perfiles en la sociedad española en relación con la islamofobia, estos son los ambivalentes, los no islamófobos y los islamófobos. Las principales conclusiones de esta investigación muestran la existencia de un discurso de odio centrado en la islamofobia; en el que se diferencian tres perfiles de actitudes ante la islamofobia: favorables, contrarios y ambivalentes.Ítem Factors affecting turnover intentions among Millennial public relations professionals: The Latin American case(Public Relations Inquiry. SAGE Publications, 2022-05) Fuentes Lara, Cristina; Moreno Fernández, Ángeles; Navarro, CristinaAs the Millennial generation becomes the largest generation of the global workforce, it is vital that organizations understand Millennials’ work values, motivational factors, and expectations to adjust existing employee retention techniques that may not suit this generation. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the major factors that affect employee retention among Latin American Millennials working in the public relations industry. Additionally, we examine generational differences in work attitudes across three generations, with an emphasis on the nature of the similarities and differences of Millennials when compared to prior generations. Findings show a highly significant positive relationship among job satisfaction, trust in the organization, job engagement, excellent leader performance, and supportive organizational culture and Latin American Millennial turnover intentions. Compared to Boomers and Gen-Xers, Millennials reported lower levels of overall job satisfaction, work engagement, and organizational trust.Ítem Female leadership in communication management in Spain: making a difference in a sexist culture(Corporate Communications: An International Journal. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022-12-19) Fuentes Lara, Cristina; Moreno Fernández, Ángeles; Zeler, IleanaPurpose This paper aims to explore the position of women in the communication management sector in Spain from their own experiences. The study examines female communication and leadership styles, emphasising the cost of leadership in which they are leaders or led. Design/methodology/approach This study used a qualitative methodology based on in-depth interviews with 22 women actively working in top companies and agencies: female communication directors, female employees with a female leader and female employees with a male leader. Data were analysed through thematic analysis. Findings Results show mixed communication and leadership styles. In addition, the high level of self-demand of female communication managers stands out, making it challenging to achieve a work-life balance and the implementation of successful role models. Social implications Exploring the factors of female leadership remains necessary to understand and make their situation in various industries and positions visible. It also helps remove barriers to leadership, guide organisations in addressing gender discrimination issues and develop mechanisms for the internal promotion of female professionals. Originality/value To the best of authors' knowledge, this is the first study exploring the leadership and communication styles of women in the Spanish Public Relations (PR) and communication management industries. It also highlights the aspects influencing the cost of leadership.Ítem Measurement and predictors of resilience among Latin American public relations professionals An application of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)(Journal of Communication Management. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019-10-28) Fuentes Lara, Cristina; Moreno Fernández, Ángeles; Navarro, Cristina; Molleda, Juan CarlosPurpose – It is well established that greater resilience buffers the negative effects of adverse events and conditions, allowing the affected individual to recover adequately. Resilience is a core trait for public relations practitioners, due to the challenging and pressure-laden nature of their work. However, as an individual-level trait, this phenomenon remains underexplored in the communication field. The purpose of this paper is to examine the dimensionality and measurement invariance of the 25-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (Connor and Davidson, 2003), evaluate the level of resilience and identify predictors of resilience among Latin American public relations practitioners. Design/methodology/approach – A population of 898 public relations professionals from 18 Latin American countries working on different hierarchical levels, both in communication departments and agencies across the region were surveyed. Findings – CD-RISC global scorings show direct correlations with age, years of experience, type of organization, hierarchy and social media skills. However, education, salary, gender or working in an excellent, successful and influential communication department were not predictors of resilience. Additionally, results provide supporting evidence that the CD-RISC has good psychometric properties and can be used as a reliable and valid tool to assess resilience among Latin American public relations practitioners. Research limitations/implications – As in any study using self-report measures, the results may have been influenced by participants’ acquiescence and need for social desirability. Greater participation is needed from some countries to allow for a more comprehensive comparative analysis. Practical implications – Identifying factors that protect against negative outcomes is important for the development of strengths-based approaches that emphasize resilience. Moreover, in predicting the ability to tolerate stress and its negative effects, this study may help in the selection of personnel who will manage tougher job demands. Originality/value – Research on the concept of resilience has gained substantial momentum over the past decades and has become a multidisciplinary field of research spanning a variety of theoretical and conceptual positions. However, practitioner resilience has not formally addressed in the public relations research, with the sole exception of the qualitative research conducted by Guo and Anderson in 2018 using a critical incident technique approach. This field provides an intriguing context to study resilience because practitioners are regularly engaged in work that may require the ability to “bounce back” from challenging work.Ítem Morocco’s northern border region: gender, labour and mobility(Third World Quarterly. Routledge, 2023-08-07) Fuentes Lara, Cristina; Solís, Marlene; Soriano Miras, RosaThis paper presents the results of two recent studies on gender, labour and mobility on the borders between Morocco and Spain. Industrial relocation and the feminised labour market was the first focus of our attention. Subsequently, we integrated research on cross-border labour markets, such as the small-scale commercial activity carried out by women. The objective of these studies is to understand the impacts of globalisation processes, such as industrial relocation and border dynamics, on the daily lives of women. Therefore, we consider theoretical approaches to female participation in emerging economic circuits in developing countries as a macro-vision that enables contextualisation at a micro-social level. At the micro level, our analysis draws from the notion of lived precariousness as a perspective that allows us to examine the testimonies and the meaning they give to their experience. The results not only indicate that the complexity of border life and its precariousness represent a challenge for women – who develop different ways of dealing with structural and cultural limits as they strive for more substantial autonomy and empowerment – but also provide a glimpse of a broader trend in female economic participation in these circuits that appears to reproduce gender inequalities and pose new obstacles.