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Ítem Engagement capstone projects: A collaborative approach to a case study in psychoacoustics(Acoustical Society of America, 2022-10-13) San Millán-Castillo, Roberto; Latorre-Iglesias, Eduardo; Glesser, MartinUndergraduates in Spanish universities conclude their science degrees with a capstone project (CP) where they must apply the knowledge gained during their studies. In recent years, students in technical degrees often postponed this last step due to a fast entry into the labour market or disappointment about the development of their capstone projects. This article presents an approach that tries to overcome these challenges and avoid delays in project submission called Engagement capstone projects. The authors, supported by the French Company EOMYS, manage this educational project in which students become responsible for their contribution to a free and open software project called MOSQITO, which provides sound quality metrics based on psychoacoustics. A framework is provided to ensure involvement in the project by both students and academic/industrial supervisors to help avoid student discouragement. The proposed methodology is compared with the current program and the learning proposal, and the expected outcomes are extensively explained. The experience gathered to date is limited, but the results obtained show the potential application of the proposed Engagement capstone projects as a solution to late CP submission.Ítem MOSQITO: an open-source and free toolbox for sound quality metrics in the industry and education(Institute Of Noise Control Engineering (INCE), 2021) San Millán-Castillo, Roberto; Latorre-Iglesias, Eduardo; Glesser, Martin; Wanty, Salomé; Jiménez-Caminero, Daniel; Álvarez-Jimeno, José MaríaSound quality metrics provide an objective assessment of the psychoacoustics of sounds. A wide range of metrics has been already standardised while others remain as active research topics. Calculation algorithms are available in commercial equipment or Matlab scripts. However, they may not present available data on general documentation and validation procedures. Moreover, the use of these tools might be unaffordable for some students and independent researchers. In recent years, the scientific and technical community has been developing uncountable open-source software projects in several knowledge fields. The permission to use, study, modify, improve and distribute open-source software make it extremely valuable. It encourages collaboration and sharing, and thus transparency and continuous improvement of the coding. Modular Sound Quality Integrated Toolbox (MOSQITO) project relies on one of the most popular high-level and free programming languages: Python. The main objective of MOSQITO is to provide a unified and modular framework of key sound quality and psychoacoustics metrics, free and open-source, which supports reproducible testing. Moreover, open-source projects can be efficient learning tools at University degrees. This paper presents the current structure of the toolbox from a technical point of view. Besides, it discusses open-source development contributions to graduates training.