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Ítem Game-Based Learning with Augmented Reality for History Education(Revista IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, 2024) LÁZARO CARRASCOSA, CARLOS; PALOMERO ILARDIA, IRENE MAGDALENA; PAREDES VELASCO, MAXIMILIANO; NAVARRO GARCÍA-SUELTO, MARÍA DEL CARMENOne of the fundamental aspects of history teaching is the chronology of important events and facts that have occurred. However, this involves an effort of memorization that produces rejection in students, affecting their learning outcomes. This article describes an experience with Primary and Secondary students using Augmented Reality with gamification in timeline activities to learn a course of History. The results show that there was improvement in learning in several aspects: chronologically situate several events in relation to BC and AD, relate different historical events to ages in History, and sort important historical milestones. In addition, it was found that students experienced positive emotions during the experience such as joy, curiosity, and interest.Ítem Los caballeros en la Plena y Baja Edad Media: imagen y juego(Archaeopress, 2023) PALOMERO ARAGÓN, FÉLIX; PALOMERO ILARDIA, IRENE MAGDALENAÍtem ONLINE/DIGITAL EDUCATION ANALYTICS INCORPORATION STRATEGY(DYKINSON, 2023) PALOMERO ILARDIA, IRENE MAGDALENA; Mellado Moreno, Pedro César; Morgado, AndreiaÍtem Quality Control Systems in Higher Education Supported by the Use of Mobile Messaging Services(Sustainability, 2019-10-31) MATOSAS LÓPEZ , LUIS; BERNAL BRAVO, CÉSAR; ROMERO ANIA, ALBERTO; PALOMERO ILARDIA, IRENE MAGDALENAThis study breaks away from the immobility experienced by quality control systems in higher education. The authors, following the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on quality education set by the United Nations, propose a questionnaire delivery system through mobile messaging services that overcomes the problem of the low response rates of students for these surveys. The research follows an experimental design, is developed over three years, and involves 811 subjects who are distributed in two groups: an experimental group, in which the questionnaires are delivered through mobile messaging services, and a control group. The researchers examine the existence of differences in response rates through a descriptive comparative exploration between the two groups, also applying the Student’s t-test to evaluate the significance of the findings. The results reveal that the rates for the experimental group are not only higher than those achieved for the control group but are also significant. The authors conclude that the delivery of surveys through mobile messaging services significantly increases response rates. This fact improves the representativity of the information collected and meets the goals of the quality control system with greater certainty.Ítem Reading the (Exterior) Walls of the Parish Church of the Nativity of our of Lara de los Infantes(Imago Temporis: medium Aevum, 2020) PALOMERO ARAGÓN, FÉLIX; PALOMERO ILARDIA, IRENE MAGDALENAOur preliminary work consisted of an archaeological study of the church, taking photographs, and gathering data in situ for subsequent analysis. A set of sketches of the walls were generated from the photographs using a computer program. These works are completely manual and have a clear archaeological orientation and value. Whenever unable to make sketches, the relevant photographs are shown. Likewise, two plans of the church are presented, one of which, we understand, might show the appearance of the Romanesque construction and another of the church in its current state that marks out the different constructive stages.Ítem San Sebastián de Silos: La iglesia dedicada o consagrada en torno a 1088 a través de la documentación y los restos arqueológicos(Imago Temporis: medium Aevum, 2013) PALOMERO ARAGÓN, FÉLIX; PALOMERO ILARDIA, IRENE MAGDALENASe plantea la reconstrucción de la iglesia dedicada o consagrada hacia 1088. Contamos con la documentación existente en el monasterio, ante todo de los siglos XVI y XVIII e informaciones de monjes silenses del siglo XVII. Junto a lo anterior hacemos una relectura de los restos arqueológicos, puestos en relación, ante todo, con la información de las Memoriae Silenses. Se plantea la fecha de dicho templo y su relación con el plan del monasterio románico. Con la información arqueológica del muro norte del templo y de los cimientos de la torre, además de las descripciones del templo cuando se destruye a partir de 1761 y la información de las monedas, podemos aproximarnos a la fecha y características del templo.Ítem San Sebastián de Silos: The church dedicated or consecrated around 1088 through the documentation and archaeological remains.(Imago Temporis: medium Aevum, 2013) PALOMERO ARAGÓN, FÉLIX; PALOMERO ILARDIA, IRENE MAGDALENAThis article addresses the reconstruction of the church that was dedicated or consecrated around 1088. We have used the documents found in the monastery, mainly descriptions from the 16th and especially the 18th century, and other information provided by some monks from Silos in the 17th century. To this, we must add the reinterpretation of the archaeological remains, together with the information in the Memoriae Silenses. From all this, we propose the chronology of the church and its relation with the general plan of the Romanesque monastery. Based on archaeological information from the north wall of the church and the foundations of the tower, together with the descriptions from when the building was demolished in 1761 and information from coins, we are able to conjecture about the date and characteristics of the building1.