Examinando por Autor "Romero-Ania, Alberto"
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Ítem Economic evaluation of the urban road public transport system efficiency based on Data Envelopment Analysis(MDPI, 2021-12-22) Romero-Ania, Alberto; Vicente Oliva, María Auxiliadora de; Rivero Gutiérrez, LourdesAir pollution resulting from massive urban development and increased use of private vehicles is a major environmental concern, with particular relevance in urban areas. Urban public road transport has a significant impact on shaping land use patterns, air pollution and welfare. It must therefore be efficient in terms of air pollution in order to contribute to sustainable metropolitan mobility and economic growth. This study proposes a novel and consistent data envelopment analysis, aiming to identify which urban public transport vehicle is the most efficient in terms of air pollution and therefore environmentally suitable for use in public road transport systems. The case of Madrid has been analyzed, as it is representative of other large cities, which have similar bus alternatives and the common objective of reducing air pollution. Madrid City Council data has been compiled by authors and assessed by a panel of twenty experts to determine the model criteria weights. The results show that the plug-in electric vehicle has the lowest pollutant emission values while delivering the highest performance. Useful recommendations are provided to support public policy decisions related to the complex relationships between urban land use, urban transport and air pollution in urban areas.Ítem Economic, Ecological and Social Analysis Based on DEA and MCDA for the Management of the Madrid Urban Public Transportation System.(MDPI, 2022-01-06) Rivero Gutiérrez, Lourdes; Vicente Oliva, María Auxiliadora de; Romero-Ania, AlbertoThe aim of this research is to help public transport managers to make decisions on the type of buses that should compose their public transport fleet, taking into account economic, environmental and social criteria from the point of view of sustainability. This paper fills a knowledge gap by including the social dimension of sustainability in addition to the economic and environmental dimensions. The original nature of this study lies in analyzing complementarities in the structuring of an efficiency and multicriteria problem. Our research analyzes Madrid public bus system data; the problem is structured in a comparative way between two analytical methods, a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and an ELimination Et Choice Translating REality (ELECTRE) III. Our research results show that two main groups of vehicles could play a part in part the theoretical solution. The main conclusions of this research are that (a) plug-in and induction electric vehicles are not comparable to GNC and diesel–hybrid vehicles in terms of cost, pollution and service; and (b) the ELECTRE III model provides more information in solving this problem than the DEA model.Ítem How to Improve Customer Engagement in Social Networks: A Study of Spanish Brands in the Automotive Industry(MDPI, 2021-11-23) Matosas-López, Luis; Romero-Ania, AlbertoThe objective of this research is to identify to what extent volumes, components, time slots, and publication topics improve customer engagement with Spanish automotive brands through social networks. The study considers thirteen brands and the total number of publications created by them in 2020 (23,670 publications) on the social network Twitter. Applying machine learning algorithms followed by multiple linear regression techniques, the authors examine how the variables previously mentioned affect a customer engagement indicator developed for this purpose. The results reveal that while publication components (links, mentions, and hashtags) and the publication time slot do not affect customer engagement, the volume of retweets made by the brand and publications on customer experience topics (without a direct commercial purpose) significantly improve the customer engagement indicator. The authors conclude that customer engagement in social networks can only be improved by conducting exhaustive analyses of activity data for these platforms. However, such analyses must not be done via generic multisector analyses, which only generate superficial and inapplicable knowledge, but rather through detailed studies for each sector.Ítem ¿Leen los Universitarios las Encuestas de Evaluación del Profesorado Cuando se Aplican Incentivos por Participación? Una Aproximación Empírica(UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MADRID Y RINACE, 2019-06-20) Matosas-López, Luis; Romero-Ania, Alberto; Cuevas-Molano, ElenaEl objetivo del estudio es revelar en qué medida los universitarios leen las encuestas de evaluación del profesorado cuando se aplican incentivos por participación. Se desarrolla un estudio de carácter cuantitativo, en el que, se adopta una metodología de tipo experimental con dos grupos. El primero realiza la valoración de su docente en un escenario libre de incentivos, el segundo completa la encuesta en un escenario de participación incentivada. El estudio considera además dos tipologías de cuestionario: por un lado, escalas de Likert y, por otro, escalas con episodios de comportamiento BARS. La investigación emplea análisis descriptivos, pruebas t-Student y análisis de correlaciones de Pearson. Los resultados revelan diferencias en el tiempo invertido cuando la participación es incentivada. Se concluye que los instrumentos con escalas de Likert no parecen favorecer una óptima lectura y cumplimentación de la encuesta cuando la evaluación introduce recompensas. Esta situación puede ser mejorada empleando cuestionarios BARS. El presente estudio arroja luz sobre un problema prácticamente ignorado por investigaciones previas, sino que, además, aborda el mismo proponiendo alternativas de mejora.Ítem Managing Sustainable Urban Public Transport Systems: An AHP Multicriteria Decision Model(MDPI, 2021-04-21) Rivero Gutiérrez, Lourdes; De Vicente Oliva, María Auxiliadora; Romero-Ania, AlbertoThe current combination of sustainable social awareness and the improved decision support systems, including multiple criteria decision models for sustainable development, creates the need for more efficient and accurate public policy decisions based on available technology. The continuous growth of urban public road transport in large cities, and therefore the worsening of air quality, along with recent economic crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, is forcing public administrations to analyze the viability of current models, taking into consideration sustainable alternative energies. This study proposes a novel and consistent analytic hierarchy process (AHP) multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) model that combines both economic and environmental criteria, to evaluate public road transportation vehicles according to their alternative engine technologies and combustion characteristics. The proposed model has been applied to evaluate Madrid’s urban public road transport, based on 2020 data published by the Madrid City Council, compiled by authors, and assessed by a panel of 20 experts to identify criteria and factors included in the AHP-MCDM model. The findings illustrate the economic and environmental impact of alternative vehicles, show that the most sustainable alternative is the plug-in electric vehicle in economic and environmental terms, and assist policymakers and firms in future strategic decisions regarding sustainable urban transport policies.Ítem Multiple criterio decision analysis of sustainable urban public transport systems(MDPI, 2021-08-04) Romero-Ania, Alberto; Rivero Gutiérrez, Lourdes; De Vicente Oliva, María AuxiliadoraUrban public transport systems must be economically efficient and additionally environmentally sustainable. Available decision support systems, including multiple criteria decision models, allow identifying which urban public transport vehicles are acceptable and those that should no longer be used in efficient and environmentally friendly cities. Previous research has ranked urban public transport vehicles by applying analytic hierarchy process multi-criteria decision-making models, from economic and non-polluting perspectives. However, until now, the types of vehicles acceptable for fleet renewal have not been identified. This study proposes a consistent combination of the ELECTRE TRI multiple criteria decision sorting method and the DELPHI procedure, the objective of which is to identify which urban public transport vehicles are acceptable, taking into consideration a suggested sustainable threshold, which includes economic and environmental strict requirements. The proposed model is based on 2020 Madrid urban public road transport data, published by Madrid City Council, which were compiled by the authors, and assessed by a panel of 20 experts to identify criteria and factors included in the model. Findings help local administrations to identify which urban public transport vehicles should be progressively replaced by those classified as economically efficient and additionally environmentally sustainable.Ítem Quality Control Systems in Higher Education Supported by the Use of Mobile Messaging Services(MDPI, 2019-10-31) Matosas-López, Luis; Bernal-Bravo, Cesar; Romero-Ania, Alberto; Palomero-Ilardia, IreneThis study breaks away from the immobility experienced by quality control systems in higher education. The authors, following the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on quality education set by the United Nations, propose a questionnaire delivery system through mobile messaging services that overcomes the problem of the low response rates of students for these surveys. The research follows an experimental design, is developed over three years, and involves 811 subjects who are distributed in two groups: an experimental group, in which the questionnaires are delivered through mobile messaging services, and a control group. The researchers examine the existence of differences in response rates through a descriptive comparative exploration between the two groups, also applying the Student’s t-test to evaluate the significance of the findings. The results reveal that the rates for the experimental group are not only higher than those achieved for the control group but are also significant. The authors conclude that the delivery of surveys through mobile messaging services significantly increases response rates. This fact improves the representativity of the information collected and meets the goals of the quality control system with greater certainty.