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The Use and Benefits of ICTs and Active Methodologies in a CLIL Context

dc.contributor.authorMadrazo Paniagua, Ana
dc.descriptionTrabajo Fin de Grado leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2023/2024. Directores/as: Rebeca Mesas Jiménez
dc.description.abstractThis investigation aims to determine the effect that integrating ICTs and active methodologies has on student performance, motivation, and engagement in a second-grade bilingual social science classroom, where CLIL is carried out. Conducted over a didactic unit, the intervention plan involved 24 students where a mixed-methods approach was established. A combination of quantitative assessments of academic performance and qualitative observations, along with student feedback, were utilized. The findings indicated that there were significant improvements in student¿s grades, comparing them to previous assessment results from the first trimester and the previous unit carried out in the subject. Additionally, students exhibited higher levels of motivation and interaction, as evidenced by the increase of certain classroom behaviours such as participation or positive attitudes towards learning. This investigation concludes that the use of ICTs and active methodologies in a CLIL context effectively complements educational outcomes and promotes a more motivating and engaging learning environment. These results further support the integration of such teaching strategies in lower primary education to; therefore, meet the diverse needs of learners in a bilingual context.
dc.publisherUniversidad Rey Juan Carlos
dc.subjectActive methodologies
dc.subjectBilingual context
dc.titleThe Use and Benefits of ICTs and Active Methodologies in a CLIL Context

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