This work sets out to explore this multifaceted evolution, analyzing how it has been conceptualized from ancient times to the digital age by examining its origins during Antiquity, how it has been approached in the different religious contexts, the key contributions of thinkers from different epochs, how historical events along history have interacted with this concept, or how it has evolved in the digital era; to trace a historical and philosophical journey of the concept of freedom, highlighting its transformations and continuities throughout different periods and geographical contexts, delimited through a structured approach that ranges from antiquity, exploring the first manifestations of freedom in civilizations such as Mesopotamia and the conceptualization in Greece and Rome, to contemporary reflection on freedom in the digital age and its implications in the protection of personal data and government surveillance; investigate the impact of significant historical events, such as the French Revolution, decolonization struggles in Africa and Asia, and civil rights movements in the 20th century, on shaping our contemporary conceptions of freedom and individual rights.
Trabajo Fin de Grado leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2023/2024. Directores/as: David Sarias Rodríguez
- Trabajos Fin de Grado [8111]
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