This final project is focused on understanding the multiple gender disparities that exist within the professional sports world in the different areas of itself. ¿Discrimination to the finish line¿, will consist of analyzing wage gaps, social disparities and unequal sponsorship opportunities for female professional athletes in the field, from the very beginning of history, till nowadays, going through the evolution of this process. This final research project deals with the persuasive differences and the unequal opportunities faced by female professional athletes regarding the international professional sports arena. It aims to make an extensive and deep analysis, as well as reaching concrete conclusions and possible solutions regarding past, current and future challenges these athletes could have to confront as individuals. We will also examine the factors that contribute to the development of these disparities, giving possible answers and new initiatives to diminish the negative impact of these imbalances
Trabajo Fin de Grado leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2024/2025. Directores/as: María Rosa Ruiz Ruiz
- Trabajos Fin de Grado [8940]
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