Examinando por Autor "Topa, Gabriela"
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Ítem Desequilibrio Esfuerzo-Recompensa y quejas subjetivas de salud: Un modelo de mediación moderada con profesionales sanitarios(2022) Tirado, Gumersindo; Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Francisco; Llorente-Alonso, Marta; Rubio-Garay, Fernando; Topa, Gabriela; López-González, M. AngelesObjetivos: El presente trabajo examinó el efecto del desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa en las quejas subjetivas de salud. Se conceptualizó un modelo de mediación moderada, en el que la identificación grupal media la relación, y la Sobreimplicación actúa como moderador. Método: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 459 profesionales de la salud españoles que cumplimentaron un cuestionario sobre desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa, sobreimplicación, quejas subjetivas de salud e identificación grupal. Resultados: Al contrario de lo hipotetizado, el efecto directo del desequilibrio sobre las quejas subjetivas de salud resultó significativo y negativo. El efecto indirecto, mediado por la identificación grupal, fue más intenso y estadísticamente significativo para los empleados con Sobreimplicación alta o media, mientras que fue no significativo para aquellos con una baja Sobreimplicación. Conclusiones: El presente estudio puede ayudar a comprender mejor cómo se relaciona el desequilibrio de esfuerzo-recompensa y las quejas subjetivas de salud. También contribuye a explicar el papel de la identificación con el grupo como mediador. En consecuencia, la intervención temprana debería fomentar la identificación grupal.Ítem Does engagement help to reduce insomnia when workers are emotionally exhausted?(Springer, 2022) Fernández-Salinero, Samuel; Topa, Gabriela; Fernández Muñoz, Juan JoséInsomnia is one of the most common problems, afecting more than 35% of the world’s population. To achieve a better understanding of this problem the focus of this research is to understand how emotional exhaustion at work may lead to insomnia. To help to combat it, we tested a mediation model including engagement factors. The sample was composed of 823 participants. 38.3% (315 subjects) were male and 61.7% (508 subjects) were female. Mean age was 42.65 years old (9.05=SD). Main results showed that emotional exhaustion is directly and statistically signifcant related to insomnia. However, diferent engagement factors showed diferent weights in bufering this relationship. Emotional exhaustion showed a statistically signifcant impact on insomnia. Vigor and absorption helped to bufer the impact of emotional exhaustion over insomnia. Our study has some limitations. First, the sample was acquired by not aleatory processes. Another limitation is that our sample was composed of individuals with decision-making capacity. Lastly, our research is a transversal study. Future research should take these limitations into account and conduct longitudinal research with aleatory sampling procedures.Ítem Is job involvement enough for achieving job satisfaction? The role of skills use and group identification(MDPI, 2020-06-12) Fernández-Salinero, Samuel; García Collantes, Ángel; Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Francisco; Topa, GabrielaThe main objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of job involvement over job satisfaction mediated through the professional skill use and moderated by group identification. The sample of the current research was composed of 420 subjects. The main results showed that job involvement was strongly related to skill use and group identification. Moreover, the interaction of job involvement and group identification is negatively related with skill use. Our results show that there is no statistically significant relationship between job involvement and job satisfaction. Furthermore, the use of skills is strongly related to job satisfaction. Lastly, we found that a strong group identification tends to harm job satisfaction values.Ítem Leisure Attitude, Self-Rated Health, and Psychological Well-Being in Older Adults: A Moderated Mediation Model(Dovepress, 2024-03-29) Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Francisco; López-González, M. Angeles; Rubio-Garay, Fernando; Topa, Gabriela; Belo, Pedro; Pocinho, Ricardo; Silva, Silvia; Fernández-Muñoz, Juan JoséPurpose: A positive leisure attitude among older adults may have a beneficial effect on psychological well-being, both directly and indirectly by fostering a more positive perception of one’s health. This paper presents a correlational design that explores associations among leisure attitude, self-rated health, and psychological well-being, and analyzes the potential moderating role of gender in these relationships. Patients and Methods: The sample was selected using simple random probability sampling (N= 409; 61.9% female; Mean age = 72.9; SD = 8.43¸ Range of age 53 to 93 years). Diverse sociodemographic information was collected, and leisure attitudes, self-perceived health, and psychological well-being (positive affect and emotional ties) were assessed. Results: The results revealed a positive effect of leisure attitude on self-rated health and psychological well-being, with self-rated health fully mediating the association between the behavioral component of leisure attitude and psychological well-being. Furthermore, the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between self-rated health and psychological well-being was stronger among men. Conclusion: Positive cognitive and emotional perceptions of leisure among older adults seem to benefit psychological well-being and improve self-rated health, thereby contributing to healthy ageing.Ítem Maintaining and engaging older workers at work: the trigger role of personal and psychosocial resources(The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2021-06) Vignoli, Michela; Zaniboni, Sara; Chiesa, Rita; Alcover, Carlos-Maria; Guglielmi, Dina; Topa, GabrielaBecause the working population age is increasing, organiza- tions are struggling to find ways to maintain employees’ desire and interest in staying on at work. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to enhance knowledge concerning the role played by personal resources (i.e. work ability) and psy- chosocial aspects (i.e. older workers stereotypes) in influ- encing desired retirement age and work engagement in older workers. Data was collected twice, using question- naires on a sample of 565 older workers working in a pub- lic organization in Italy. Specifically, work ability, age stereotypes on older workers and desired retirement age were measured at T1, while work engagement was meas- ured at T2 (eight months later). Using the Preacher and Hayes approach, a moderated mediation analysis was per- formed controlling for age, self-rated health, expected retirement age, tenure and job position. Results showed that older workers with higher levels of work ability and lower perceptions that in their environment there are age stereotypes, desire to work longer, and in turn stay engaged at work.Ítem Older worker identity and job performance: the moderator role of subjective age and self-efficacy(MDPI, 2018-12-03) Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Francisco; Farfán, Jesús; Topa, GabrielaOlder Worker Identity consists of the internalization of negative beliefs and attitudes towards aged employees by these same people. This research aims to explore the moderator role both of subjective age and self-efficacy in the relationship between older worker identity and job performance. The study was conducted with a panel design, including a sample of +40 Spanish workers (n = 200), with two waves (4-months interval). The findings supported the moderator role of subjective age in the relationship, while it failed to support the moderator role of self-efficacy. These findings underline that workers who actively manage their subjective age perceptions could age successfully at work. The implications of this study for counseling practices are discussed.Ítem Presenteeism, overcommitment, workplace bullying, and job satisfaction: a moderated mediation relationship(MDPI, 2020-11-20) Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Francisco; Fernández-Salinero, Samuel; Moriano, Juan Antonio; Topa, GabrielaPresenteeism is a hazardous behaviour that may have personal and organizational consequences. The main objective of this research was to investigate the relationship between presenteeism and job satisfaction and evaluate the role of overcommitment as a mediator and the role of work-related and personal bullying as moderators in these relationships. Results from 377 subjects showed that presenteeism and overcommitment are positively related to job satisfaction, with overcommitment being a mediator in the relationships. These relationships are moderated by work-related bullying but not by personal bullying. The findings are discussed, and implications, future research pathways, and limitations are noted.Ítem Recuperación laboral en empleados fuera del trabajo: una revisión paraguas de revisiones sistemáticas y meta-análisis(2022-06-30) López-González, M. Angeles; De-María, Berta; Rubio-Garay, Fernando; Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Francisco; Fernández-Salinero, Samuel; Latorre, Felisa; Topa, GabrielaEl trabajo es una condición fundamental de la vida humana pero puede resultar disfuncional por acarrear consecuencias indeseadas y nefastas en determinadas situaciones. En este contexto se entiende la recuperación del trabajo (recovery) como contrapunto a los procesos de tensión a los que se ve sometida la persona en su puesto de trabajo. Dentro de las diferentes estrategias que los trabajadores ponen en marcha para recuperarse, resultan de especial relevancia las llevadas a cabo fuera de su horario laboral. El interés científico en esta materia queda patente en la publicación de numerosas revisiones sistemáticas en los últimos años. El objetivo de este estudio es clarificar y aportar evidencia sobre los resultados de las revisiones sistemáticas realizadas hasta la fecha. Así, se realizó mía revisión paraguas de revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis sobre la recuperación laboral fuera del horario de trabajo. Para ello se llevó a cabo una búsqueda sistemática de documentos potencialmente relevantes en seis bases de datos, tanto temáticas como multidisciplinares. Se recuperaron ocho revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión establecidos. El análisis de contenido de los trabajos seleccionados permitió identificar diversas perspectivas o encuadres en el estudio de la recuperación laboral externa: (a) el período temporal; (b) las características del trabajo; (c) las experiencias de recuperación; (d) las actividades de recuperación; (e) los procesos que impiden que la recuperación sea efectiva; y (f) las variables cercanas al proceso de recuperación. Asimismo, se sistematizaron las principales variables sustantivas de naturaleza laboral y psicosocial consideradas en los diversos trabajos. Se discute la escasa atención prestada en los estudios revisados a las posibles diferencias culturales que podrían afectar al proceso de recuperación. Además, ninguna investigación hace mención especial a la pandemia por la COVID-19 en la recuperación laboral, ni tampoco a la potencial influencia de las nuevas realidades laborales en auge como el teletrabajo o los espacios virtuales compartidos (coworking).Ítem Successful aging at work: psychometric properties of the Spanish version of selection, optimization and compensation questionnaire(Frontiers, 2018-04-04) Segura-Camacho, Adrián; Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Francisco; Sáenz De la Torre, Luis Carlos; Topa, GabrielaIn developed countries, the aging population poses a challenge to the management of human resources in organizations (Yenilmez, 2015). On the one hand, there are a growing number of workers who are aging at the same time as the rest of the population (Lytle et al., 2015). This collective must adapt to the demands of their jobs, taking into account the age-related physical and cognitive changes they are undergoing (Mortensen et al., 2014; Kagan and Meléndez-Torres, 2015), which are often accompanied by changes in emotion regulation (Scheibe and Zacher, 2013) and motivational orientations (Kanfer and Ackerman, 2004). On another hand, organizations cannot allow themselves the luxury of losing these members, who accumulate a large amount of implicit knowledge and professional experience (Stoddart et al., 2014). Hence, both from the personal and organizational viewpoint, the study of adjustment to aging or of people’s adaptation strategies to age-related physical and cognitive changes, and their relation to other psychosocial variables at work, deserves more detailed attentionÍtem The mediating role of psychological capital between motivational orientations and their organizational consequences(MDPI, 2020-07-06) Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Francisco; Segura-Camacho, Adrian; García-Ael, Cristina; Topa, GabrielaAsí como podemos hablar de diferentes rasgos de personalidad, también es posible identificar distintos rasgos motivacionales, que pueden estar relacionados con una serie de consecuencias organizacionales. En este sentido, entender cómo estos rasgos se relacionan con el desempeño de los trabajadores es fundamental. En concreto, el propósito de este estudio es comprobar el papel mediador del capital psicológico en la relación entre dichos rasgos y conductas de ciudadanía organizacional y conductas laborales contraproducentes, que se espera que sea más significativo en el primer caso. El estudio se realizó mediante un diseño de panel, con una muestra de empleados españoles mayores de 40 años (n = 741), en dos oleadas (con un intervalo de 4 meses). Los resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que los recursos de capital psicológico pueden desempeñar un papel mediador en algunas de las relaciones exploradas y que los rasgos de orientación de enfoque se relacionan principalmente con un mejor desempeño, fomentando comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional y disminuyendo comportamientos laborales contraproducentes. Los hallazgos muestran que los empleados que desarrollan sus recursos personales pueden tener un impacto positivo en sus organizaciones. Se discuten las implicaciones de este estudio para las prácticas de asesoramiento.Ítem Work characteristics, motivational orientations, psychological work ability and job mobility intentions of older workers(PLOS One, 2018-04) Alcover, Carlos-Maria; Topa, GabrielaDrawing on job design theories and a conceptual framework of work-related goals and moti- vation in later adulthood, the aim of this paper is to explore how work-related and individual factors are separately and jointly related to psychological work ability and bridge employ- ment intentions via late job mobility. The cross-sectional study is based on a sample of 171 older Spanish workers aged 45–65 and beyond. We differentiated between groups of older workers in mid career (45–55 years of age) and in their later careers (56 years and beyond). Our results confirm that task characteristics and, secondarily, knowledge characteristics are the most relevant factors in perceptions of psychological work ability among aged workers. Both age groups display a very marked personal mastery trait, which mediates the relation- ships between job characteristics and both psychological work ability and late job mobility intentions. The paper concludes with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications and suggestions for future research on the issues implied in the psychological adjustment of older workers in their mid and late careers.