Derivative of a hypergraph as a tool for linguistic pattern analysis
The search for linguistic patterns together with stylometry and forensic linguistics has in the theory of complex networks, its structures and its associated mathematical tools essential resources for representing and analyzing texts. In this paper we introduce a new model able to analyze the mesoscopic relationships between sentences, paragraphs, chapters and texts. This model is supported by several mathematical structures such as the hypergraphs or the concept of derivative graph. The methodology raised from this perspective focuses not only in a quantitative index but also in two peculiar mathematical structures named derivative graph and homogeneity graph. These structures are of singular help to both: detecting the style of an author and determining the linguistic level of a text and, eventually, also for detecting similarities and dissimilarities in texts and even plagiarism.
Authors would like to thanks Karin Alfaro-Bittner for some inspiring discussions. This work has been partially supported by projects PGC2018-101625-B-I00 (Spanish Ministry, AEI/FEDER, UE) and M1993 Grant (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain ). Authors acknowledge the usage of the resources, technical expertise and assistance provided by the supercomputer facility CRESCO of ENEA in Portici (Italy).
- Artículos de Revista [4260]