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Ítem La exposición general de las Islas Filipinas: Muestras gramaticales y lexicográficas(Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 2024-07-05) Riveiro Lema, María DoloresLa Exposición General de las Islas Filipinas, celebrada en Madrid en 1887, se presentó al público como el mejor escaparate para que la exótica y desconocida colonia de Ultramar, con graves deficiencias todavía en infraestructuras y vías de comunicación, limitaciones culturales orgánicas y un aletargado sistema educativo, mostrara la cara amable de sus logros científicos, técnicos, pedagógicos y artísticos, la riqueza y diversidad de su medio físico y sus especificidades culturales y etnográficas. También los estudios gramaticales y lexicográficos tuvieron su espacio en la Sección Octava y en la Colección de Álvarez Guerra, donde se presentaron ante el visitante como un signo del progreso educativo y bastiones evangélicos y patrióticos en el dominio de las culturas indígenas. Conoceremos en este artículo, tomando como principales fuentes bibliográficas el Catálogo y la Guía oficiales de la Exposición (1887) y la Bibliografía de la lingüística misionera española (Esparza Torres y Niederehe 2023), cuáles fueron esas obras, a quiénes se le atribuyen y cómo se engarzan en la trayectoria bibliográfica de sus autores. Se adoptará para ello un enfoque historiográfico, adecuado a la naturaleza del contexto de producción y a la relevancia de este evento en la presentación en sociedad de la lingüística misionera filipina.Ítem Sports Tourism and social media storytelling: A multimodal perspective(VisualCOM Scientific Publications, 2024-10-07) Blanco-Gómez, María Luisa; Gómez-Ortiz, María JoséIn the emotional narrative of sports event tourism, visual communication is key to persuading media consumers. Our aim is to examine the interplay between context (sports tourism) and text (visual and written) to shed light on the storytelling of blogs and online articles regarding sports tourism. Results show that the narrative sequence of the images, supported by text, highlights central values of sports, such as leadership, teamwork, and respect, in which the host city integrates. The emotions reflected in the corpus images point to the construction of a well-defined national identity in tourism social media when applied to sports events. En la narrativa emocional del turismo de eventos deportivos, la comunicación visual juega un papel clave a la hora de persuadir a los consumidores. Nuestro objetivo es examinar la interacción entre contexto (turismo deportivo) y texto (visual y escrito) para arrojar luz sobre la narración de blogs y artículos en línea. La secuencia narrativa de las imágenes, apoyada en el texto, resalta valores fundamentales del deporte, como el liderazgo, el trabajo en equipo y el respeto, en los que se integra la ciudad anfitriona. Las emociones reflejan la construcción de una identidad nacional bien definida en las redes sociales turísticas cuando se aplican a eventos deportivos.Ítem Corporate taxation in Spain: analyzing efficiency and revenue potential(Springer Nature, 2024-08-07) Ortega-Gil, Manuela; Pinto Hernández, Fernando; Cabezas Ares , Alfredo; Rodríguez-Iglesias, IsabelThis paper offers a comprehensive analysis of Spain’s corporate tax system through the lens of the Laffer curve and Buoyancy index, assessing its efficiency in generating revenue. The study finds that Spain is nearing the Laffer curve’s optimal tax rate, beyond which tax revenue may decrease with rate hikes. The Buoyancy index reveals a fluctuating response of tax revenues to economic shifts, indicating vulnerability in economic downturns. We trace Spain’s corporate tax evolution, examining current structures and recent policy reforms, and explore how corporate taxation influences economic activities and investment. The paper proposes policy recommendations, including reassessing the corporate tax rate, advocating structural reforms for a wider tax base, and policies promoting economic growth. Emphasis is placed on counter-cyclical fiscal policies, regular evaluation of tax incentives, improving tax compliance, and Spain’s role in global tax coordination. This research contributes to fiscal policy discussions, advocating a balanced tax approach for sustainable economic development and guiding policymakers toward resilient fiscal strategies in a dynamic economic environment.Ítem Representación del colectivo LGBT+ en la ficción televisiva española contemporánea (2015-2020)(Departamento de Estudios de la Comunicación Social. Universidad de Guadalajara, 2022-10-05) Sánchez Soriano, Juan JoséLa investigación examina la construcción de personajes LGBT+ en la ficción seriada española incluida en plataformas de distribución en la última década. Se utiliza un análisis crítico del discurso articulado en un nivel macro, donde se estudian los grandes discursos, y en un nivel micro, donde se presta atención a las temáticas, la lexicalización y las estructuras proposicionales. Los resultados muestran, entre otros, la perpetuación de estereotipos recurrentes, la ubicación marginal de estos personajes y que la construcción de la realidad LGBT+ se presenta de manera negativa o ambigua. Abstract: The research analyzes the construction of LGBT+ characters and plots in Spanish serial fiction shown on d istribution platforms in t he l ast decade. It u ses critical discourse analysis, which is divided into macro level analysis and micro level analysis.The microanalysis is composed of topics, lexicalization and propositional framing. The results show, among others, that the majority of characters appear in marginal contexts, that recurring stereotypes continue to be used, and that LGBT+ orientation and identity are presented in a negative or ambiguous manner.Ítem Reparaciones de guerra: la humanización e individualización de la reclamación. Algunas aproximaciones judiciales alternativas(Marcial Pons; Asociación de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales, 2022-07-01) Jiménez García, FranciscoEl derecho a la reparación de las víctimas de crímenes de guerra está consolidado como norma primaria del Derecho internacional general. Sin embargo, las normas secundarias confluentes al concepto de «reclamación» y el papel del Estado en su reconocimiento y distribución han neutralizado o inactivado tal derecho primario que ha conducido a calificarlo como lex ferenda. No obstante, se está observando un proceso y una práctica judicial alternativa (una opinio iuris en evolución) que supone la inversión de tal relación al situar al individuo en el eje central de tal derecho a la reparación. Sin embargo, la reciente sentencia sobre las Actividades armadas en territorio del Congo (RDC c. Uganda), reparaciones, ha supuesto una oportunidad perdida para cristalizar tal progreso.Ítem Testing the past: can we still run tests in past snapshots for Java projects?(Springer Nature, 2024-07-30) Maes-Bermejo, Michel; Gallego Carrillo, Micael; Gortázar Bellas, Francisco; Robles, Gregorio; Gonzalez-Barahona, Jesús MaríaBuilding past snapshots of a software project has shown to be of interest both for researchers and practitioners. However, little attention has been devoted specifically to tests available in those past snapshots, which are fundamental for the maintenance of old versions still in production. The aim of this study is to determine to which extent tests of past snapshots can be executed successfully, which would mean these past snapshots are still testable. Given a software project, we build all its past snapshots from source code, including tests, and then run the tests. When tests do not result in success, we also record the reasons, allowing us to determine factors that make tests fail. We run this method on a total of 86 Java projects. On average, for 52.53% of the project snapshots on which tests can be built, all tests pass. However, on average, 94.14% of tests pass in previous snapshots when we take into account the percentage of tests passing in the snapshots used for building those tests. In real software projects, successfully running tests in past snapshots is not something that we can take for granted: we have found that in a large proportion of the projects we studied this does not happen frequently. We have found that the building from source code is the main limitation when running tests on past snapshots. However, we have found some projects for which tests run successfully in a very large fraction of past snapshots, which allows us to identify good practices. We also provide a framework and metrics to quantify testability (the extent to which we are able to run tests of a snapshot with a success result) of past snapshots from several points of view, which simplifies new analyses on this matter, and could help to measure how any project performs in this respect.Ítem La «localización en red» de la comunidad internacional. El futuro de las ciudades ante los desafíos globales del derecho internacional del futuro(Universidad de Navarra, 2023-04-27) Jiménez García, FranciscoLas ciudades y sus redes globales han adquirido una indudable relevancia y un destacado interés en el ámbito de las relaciones internacionales, no tanto desde la perspectiva formalista del Derecho internacional. No obstante, se impone una mayor atención a la dimensión urbana internacional, a las distintas manifestaciones de la diplomacia de las ciudades, así como a las consecuencias de su impacto en la gobernanza mundial, en la gestión sostenible de los retos globales y en el devenir del Derecho internacional. Al margen del alcance de la subjetividad y responsabilidad internacionales, se necesita una actualización del sistema para obtener una representación más nítida de cómo interactúa la presente sociedad internacional, se desarrolla actualmente la cooperación multinivel y qué alcance tiene la función iusgenerativa urbana en el sistema internacional. Si bien se trata de un proceso emergente cada vez más reconocido, el futuro del Derecho internacional está ligado a la actualidad y la evolución de las ciudades que conformarán nuestro destinoÍtem prueba sesión(Elsevier, 2024) Silva Sánchez, Fernando; silva, ffÍtem Thermal hydrolysis of solid fraction reduces waste disposal and provides a substrate for anaerobic photobiological treatment of refinery wastewater(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023-02-15) Jerez, Sara; San Martín, Javier; Ventura, Maria; Pariente, Maria Isabel; Segura, Yolanda; Puyol, Daniel; Molina, Raúl; Melero, Juan Antonio; Martinez, FernandoOil refineries generate vast amounts of refinery wastewater (RWW) and oily sludge (OS). Conventional treatments typically manage these effluents separately, and resource recovery potential is not considered. The thermal hydrolysis (TH) of oily sludge at different temperatures from 175 to 200 °C and several hydrolysis times from 30 to 90 minutes has been assessed. The TH reduced the solid fraction of the oily sludge by up to 50% and released substrates in the liquid stream with up to 14 g L−1 of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) and 592 mg L−1 of NH4+-N. Additionally, the hydrolyzed fraction was assessed as a substrate for the biological treatment of the refinery wastewater. An anaerobic photobiological system based on purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) was considered to evaluate the co-treatment of both effluents. Batch experiments showed a 10- to 30-fold enhancement of the biomass yield, using both the RWW and the hydrolyzed fraction of the oily sludge. The less energetic TH conditions in terms of temperature and operation time produced the most biodegradable hydrolyzed stream with biomass yields close to those obtained for the control under optimal growth conditions. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed integrated strategy to reduce the solid fraction of the oily sludge by the TH process and to release soluble substrates for a novel anaerobic photobiological treatment along with the RWW.Ítem Application of a Fenton process for the pretreatment of an iron-containing oily sludge: A sustainable management for refinery wastes(Elsevier, 2021-12-03) Jerez, Sara; Ventura, Maria; Molina, Raul; Martínez, Fernando; Pariente, Maria Isabel; Melero, Juan AntonioThe feasibility of a Fenton-type process for the pretreatment of an oily refinery sludge has been explored taking advantage of the iron contained in the own sludge. This process reduces the content of total petroleum hydro-carbons (TPHs) accompanied by an increase in the total organic carbon concentration in the liquid phase. The effect of the temperature and the hydrogen peroxide loading was thoroughly studied in this work being the oxidant concentration the most critical parameter. Under 60 ◦C and 90 g/L of initial hydrogen peroxide concentration, the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) of the liquid phase was increased up values of 1336 mg/L and with a remarkable contribution of acetic acid as final oxidized compound (396 mgC/L). Additionally, nitrogen and phosphorous compounds were also dissolved in the aqueous phase achieving values of 250 mg/L and 7 mg/L for total Kjeldahl nitrogen and total phosphorous, respectively. Respirometry assays of the aqueous phase after the Fenton pretreatment have evidenced an increase of biodegradability up to 49% which makes this phase suitable for further biological processing in the refinery scheme. The reduction of the content of TPHs (61%) of the oily sludge, has also improved the settleability of the treated effluent (reducing the capillary suction time (CST) in ca. 88%).Ítem Accesibilidad y sostenibilidad en los museos de arte del Paisaje de la Luz de Madrid(Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación de la Universidad de Palermo, 2024-03-27) Matesanz Muñoz, AmayaLos museos nacionales de arte del Paisaje de las Arte y las Ciencias de Madrid son referentes nacionales e internacionales con grandes tesoros patrimoniales de España que han de conservar y transmitir a las generaciones futuras. La presente investigación se centra en las acciones de sostenibilidad de estos museos recogidas en sus memorias anuales de actividades para comprobar cuál es su discurso en este ámbito. Se utiliza el programa informático MAXQDA para analizar el contenido de estos documentos. Aunque se parte de los tres pilares básicos de la sostenibilidad: social, económico y medioambiental, se justifica la necesidad de añadir, como cuarto pilar, la dimensión de la cultura. Los resultados muestran que la relevancia dada por estos museos a esos cuatro pilares no es equitativa, como tampoco lo son las acciones para la sostenibilidad llevadas a cabo por cada uno de ellos. Finalmente, se pone en valor que el diseño para la diversidad humana dirigido a lograr la accesibilidad de los museos contribuye significativamente con el objetivo de la sostenibilidad. Abstract: The national art museums of the Art and Science Landscape of Madrid are na-tional and international references with great heritage treasures of Spain that must be preserved and transmitted to future generations, and that is why their role is so relevant. This research proposes how these museums direct their actions in relation to sustainability from the three basic pillars, social, economic and environmental, but justifying the need to add the cultural dimension. The annual activity reports of these museums are used to check their discourse in this area through the content analysis of these documents using the MAXQDA software. The relevance given to the four pillars is not equal, nor are the actions conducted, nor the involvement of each of these museums with the focus on sus-tainability.Ítem Phylogeny, evolution and a re-classification of the Lichinomycetes(Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, 2024-12) Prieto, Maria; Wedin, Mats; Schultz, MatthiasThe Lichinomycetes is an independent lichenized lineage within the Ascomycota comprising ca. 390 species and 50 genera. Very few studies have dealt with family and genus classification using molecular data and many groups are in need of thorough revision. Thus, we constructed a multilocus phylogeny (mtSSU, RPB2 and mcm7 gene regions) including 190 specimens of Lichinomycetes belonging to 126 species. Ancestral state reconstruction analyses were carried out to trace the evolution of selected characters. The current classification scheme of the Lichinomycetes based on morphological and anatomical characters is in great conflict with the phylogenetic relationships resulting from the present study. The results suggest substantial non-monophyly at the family and genus levels. A revised classification is proposed here and an overview of genera accepted in the Lichinomycetes is given. Ancestral Lichinomycetes are reconstructed as crustose with pycnoascocarps and octosporous asci. We used a combination of characters to delineate groups including the ascoma development and the type of asci. The revised classification includes 11 new genera, five resurrected genera, and 54 new combinations distributed in four families (three emended and one new). Three new species are also described.Ítem Fe-N doped carbon materials from oily sludge as electrocatalysts for alkaline oxygen reduction reaction(Elsevier, 2024-03-01) Jerez, Sara; Pedersen, Angus; Ventura, Maria; Mazzoli, Lorenzo; Pariente, Maria Isabel; Titirici, Magdalena; Melero, Juan Antonio; Barrio, JesúsAlkaline oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) presents an important role for energy conversion technologies and requires the development of an efficient electrocatalyst. Pt-based catalysts provide suitable activity; however, Pt production accessibility and high costs create hurdles to their commercial implementation. Fe coordinated within N-doped carbon materials (Fe–N–C) are a promising alternative due to their high ORR catalytic activity, although the currently commercially available Fe–N–C materials rely on harsh synthetic protocols which can lead to increased environmental impacts. In this work we target this issue by taking advantage of an oily sludge waste currently generated in refineries to synthesize Fe–N–C materials, thus, avoiding the environmental impact caused by the management of this waste. The solid particles within oily sludge, which present a high concentration of C and Fe, were combined by different nitrogen sources and pyrolyzed at high temperatures. The prepared materials present a hierarchical pore structure with surface areas up to 547 m2 g−1. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis found that the impregnation of N using phenanthroline promotes the formation of pyridinic-N structures, which enhances the ORR performance compared to melamine doping. Additional doping of Fe with phenanthroline results in an ORR mass activity of 1.23 ± 0.04 A gFeNC at 0.9 VRHE, iR-free in a rotating disc electrode (0.1 M KOH). This catalyst also shows a lower relative loss in activity at 0.9 VRHE after 8000 cycles in O2-saturated conditions compared to a commercial FeNC catalyst, PMF D14401, (−63.5 vs −69 %, respectively), demonstrating promise as a cheap and simple route to Fe–N–C catalysts for alkaline ORR.Ítem CSViz: Class Separability Visualization for High-Dimensional Datasets(Springer, 2023-12-26) Cuesta, Marina; Lancho, Carmen; Fernández-Isabel, Alberto; L. Cano, Emilio; Martín de Diego, CarmenLa visualización de datos es una tarea esencial durante el ciclo de vida de cualquier proyecto de Ciencia de Datos (DS), particularmente durante el Análisis Exploratorio de Datos (EDA) para una correcta preparación y comprensión de los datos. En problemas de clasificación, la visualización de datos es útil para revelar la existencia de patrones de separabilidad de clases dentro del conjunto de datos. Esta información es muy valiosa y puede utilizarse posteriormente durante el proceso de construcción de un modelo de Aprendizaje Automático (Machine Learning, ML). Los Datos de Alta Dimensión (HDD) se presentan como uno de los mayores retos en el DS. Los HDD requieren un tratamiento especial, ya que las técnicas de visualización tradicionales, como la matriz de dispersión (SPLOM), tienen limitaciones a la hora de tratarlos debido a las restricciones de espacio. Otros métodos de visualización implican técnicas de reducción de la dimensionalidad, que pueden llevar a perder información importante y reducir la interpretabilidad de los datos. En este trabajo, se presenta el método de Visualización de Separabilidad de Clases (CSViz) como un nuevo enfoque de Análisis Visual (VA) para abordar el reto de visualizar HDD etiquetados a través de subespacios. El método propuesto permite obtener una visión general de la separabilidad de las clases ofreciendo una serie de visualizaciones de subespacios bidimensionales que contienen subconjuntos exclusivos de puntos de las variables originales que engloban los patrones separables más valiosos y significativos. El método propuesto se pone a prueba en 50 conjuntos de datos con características diferentes y ofrece resultados prometedores. En todos los casos, más del 90% de las observaciones de datos se muestran con tres gráficos o menos. Por lo tanto, el CSViz presentado facilita significativamente el EDA reduciendo el número de gráficos a inspeccionar en un SPLOM y, por lo tanto, la cantidad de tiempo invertido en ello.Ítem Assessing the policy scenarios for the Ecosystem Water Food Energy (EWFE) nexus in the Mediterranean region(Elsevier, 2019-02) Aloe Karabuluta, Armağan; Udias, Angel; Vigiak, OlgaIncreasing demand and the current unbalanced sectorial attribution of natural resources induce drastic depletion of natural capital. There is a need for bridging sectoral policies into interdisciplinary sustainable management strategies in the Mediterranean region. The complex interactions between ecosystems, food, energy, and water sectors are calling for an integrated approach for supporting impact assessments and decision-making. We aimed to investigate the coherence among the sectoral policies, either supporting or conflicting with each other, on cross-cutting strategies and their impacts on ecosystem and their services. We address ecosystem services as a fourth component besides energy, water, and food sectors in the nexus approach. We collected expert opinions on eleven sectoral policies that cover different disciplines (water, agriculture, energy, economy, and environment). Based on the opinion of the experts, we developed several multi-criteria analyses (MCA) to assess sectoral policy impacts on cross-sectoral strategic targets. Considerable consistency was found in ranking the eleven policies when considering using nexus or cross-cutting strategies criteria, or when considering positive or negative impacts. The EWFE nexus dimension allowed to better distinguish potential synergies or conflicts between sector policies because it provided a framework in which the role of ecosystem service was more explicit. Interestingly, restoring ecosystem and green infrastructures policy ranks among the top policies in all MCAs but according to the experts its probability of successful implementation is among the lowest. The results show that sustainable use of ecosystem services and conservation of the biodiversity are an indispensable pillar to achieve successfully sectoral development goals.Ítem Critica genética en perspectiva: dibujos y montajes de ¡Que viva Mexico!, de Sergei Eisenstein(Manuscrítica, 2020-12-23) Cucinotta, Caterina; Ramé López, JesúsEste artículo pretende analizar, desde el punto de vista de la crítica genética, los documentos de proceso del film inacabado ¡Qué viva México!, el cual Sergei Eisenstein empezó a rodar tras una estancia en Hollywood en los años 30. Por un lado, existen documentos escritos que nos dan información sobre las diferentes etapas de proceso creativo fílmico, y por otro Eisenstein hizo dibujos que se revelan como el estudio primordial de su puesta en práctica del encuadre y del montaje, dando una interpretación personal de su proceso creativo. Así, el interrogante que se nos plantea es: ¿Cómo podría estudiarse una obra cinematográfica inacabada de la que, además de tener varios materiales que perfilan diferentes bocetos, se han intentado realizar varias versiones de montaje con el material existente? Combinando los materiales de la génesis de trabajo en la preproducción, la producción y las versiones de postproducción, expondremos diferentes caminos posibles del proceso creativo. Para ello, partiremos del recorrido de preparación que realizó el director letón, de su investigación sobre la cultura mexicana expresada en los dibujos y de la versión que se considera la más fiel a las intenciones originarias, la cual fue montada por Grigori Alexandrov.Ítem Exploring the impact of loans on credit risk management in Spanish systemic banks(Emerald, 2024-11-26) Saiz Sepúlveda, Álvaro; Hernández Tamurejo, ÁlvaroThis research analyses the solvency behaviour of systemic Spanish banks, focusing on their credit risk management during the subprime mortgage crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. The top three Spanish banks (BBVA, Banco Santander, and Caixabank) were selected as a representative sample. Key indicators such as the volume of assets, amount of financing or loans to clients, NPL (non-performing loan) ratio, reported volume of write-offs, equity, and share capital were analysed to assess their solvency and credit risk management. Furthermore, from the variables evaluated, a structural equation model has been proposed to evaluate the structural relationships among the variables. The results indicate a significant reorganization of these institutions after the subprime crisis. This reorganization was crucial for providing the necessary room for manoeuvre to overcome the challenges posed by the Covid-19 crisis. However, the study highlights the importance of implementing preventive management policies to handle future crises effectively. This study provides valuable insights into the solvency and credit risk management of systemic Spanish banks during two major financial crises. The evidence presented is particularly relevant for bank managers and policymakers, offering guidance on effective credit risk treatment and crisis management strategies.Ítem Moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relation between behavior problems in persons with dementia and the distress they cause in caregivers(Taylor & Francis online, 2015-06-06) Nogales González, Celia; Romero Moreno, Rosa; Losada, Andrés; Márquez González, María; Zarit, S.H.Introduction: Behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia (BPSD) are the principal sources of stress in caregivers. The aim of the present work is to analyze the moderating effect of self-efficacy for managing BPSD on the distress these problems generate in family caregivers. Method: The participants were 231 family caregivers of people with dementia. We assessed the frequency and caregiver distress associated with three dimensions of BPSD (depressive, disruptive and memory problems). In addition, we assessed the moderating effect of self-efficacy for dealing with BPSD in the relationship between the dementia patient’s frequency of BPSD and caregiver distress through hierarchical regression analyses, one for each of the dimensions of BPSD. Results: We found a moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relation between the frequency of BPSD and the distress in caregivers for the dimensions of depressive and disruptive behaviors. Caregivers having to deal with a high frequency of behavior problems but with high levels of self-efficacy presented significantly lower levels of distress associated with depressive and disruptive behavior problems compared to those caregivers with low levels of self-efficacy. No differences in the effects of self-efficacy were found for distress levels of caregivers who dealt with low frequency of BPSD. Also, we did not find a moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relation between the frequency of memory problems and caregivers’ distress. Conclusions: The results suggest that self-efficacy for managing BPSD attenuates the relation between the frequency of behavior problems - both disruptive and depressive - and the distress they cause in caregivers.Ítem Hacia una síntesis entre el comunitarismo y el liberalismo: La ciudadanía glocal(Universidad de Granada, 2021-01-15) Prada García, Aurelio deEn este trabajo defendemos la posibilidad de una síntesis —en el sentido hegeliano del término— entre dos concepciones políticas presuntamente contradictorias: el comunitarismo y el liberalismo. Esa síntesis se traduciría en la llamada ciudadanía glocal en la que se “superarían” las concepciones de cuerpo político y de ciudadanía que defienden esas dos concepciones en una nueva que incluye a la humanidad y a su medio ambiente.Ítem Uso de las empresas de redes de transporte en México. Extensión, determinantes y tipos de usuarios(Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2025-01-20) Calonge Reillo, FernandoTras diez años del comienzo de los servicios de redes de transporte en México, aún subsisten dudas sobre su extensión, determinantes y tipo de usuarios. En este artículo se recurre al Censo 2020 de México, para responder a esas interrogantes. Se descubre que es aún minoritaria la elección de estas empresas, aunque representan ya 1/3 de los viajes en taxi. El factor que más incide en su uso es el tipo de hogar, con un uso preferente de quienes viven en hogares unipersonales y sin consanguineidad. Se revela también que estas empresas satisfacen una considerable diversidad de necesidades y usuarios.