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A Quality 4.0 Model for Architecting Industry 4.0 Systems

dc.contributor.authorOliveira Antonino, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorCapilla, Rafael
dc.contributor.authorPelliccione, Patrizio
dc.contributor.authorSchnicke, Frank
dc.contributor.authorEspen, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorKuhn, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorSchmid, Klaus
dc.identifier.citationPablo Oliveira Antonino, Rafael Capilla, Patrizio Pelliccione, Frank Schnicke, Daniel Espen, Thomas Kuhn, Klaus Schmid, A Quality 4.0 Model for architecting industry 4.0 systems, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Volume 54, 2022, 101801, ISSN 1474-0346,
dc.descriptionThis work was partially supported by the BaSys 4 project (BMBF) grant 01IS19022A. We also thank to Sonnhild Namingha for proof reading, and the colleagues involved in the evaluation
dc.description.abstractThe increasing importance of automation and smart capabilities for factories and other industrial systems has led to the concept of Industry 4.0 (I4.0). This concept aims at creating systems that improve the vertical and horizontal integration of production through (i) comprehensive and intelligent automation of industrial processes, (ii) informed and decentralized real-time decision making, and (iii) stringent quality requirements that can be monitored at any time. The I4.0 infrastructure, supported in many cases by robots, sensors, and algorithms, demands highly skilled workers able to continuously monitor the quality of both the items to be produced and the underlying production processes. While the first attempts to develop smart factories and enhance the digital transformation of companies are under way, we need adequate methods to support the identification and specification of quality attributes that are relevant to I4.0 systems. Our main contribution is to provide a refined version of the ISO 25010 quality model specifically tailored to those qualities demanded by I4.0 needs. This model aims to provide actionable support for I4.0 software engineers that are concerned with quality issues. We developed our model based on an exhaustive analysis of similar proposals using the design science method as well as expertise from seasoned engineers in the domain. We further evaluate our model by applying it to two important I4.0 reference architectures further clarifying its
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectIndustry 4.0es
dc.subjectSoftware architecturees
dc.subjectQuality 4.0es
dc.subjectQuality attributeses
dc.subjectSmart factorieses
dc.subjectIndustrial internet of thingses
dc.titleA Quality 4.0 Model for Architecting Industry 4.0 Systemses

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