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Technological intensity in manufacturing trade between ASEAN and the EU: challenges and opportunities

dc.contributor.authorNavarro Zapata, Amadeo
dc.contributor.authorArrazola, María
dc.contributor.authorHevia, José de
dc.identifier.citationZapata, A.N., Arrazola, M. & de Hevia, J. Technological intensity in manufacturing trade between ASEAN and the EU: challenges and opportunities. Asia Eur J 21, 23–42 (2023).
dc.descriptionOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Authors have received finacial support from Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (Grant: H2019/HUM-5761) and European Social
dc.description.abstractThis article analyses trade fows EU-ASEAN, focusing on export performance and technological intensity, covering the years 2004–2016. The aim of this paper is to analyse to what extent, a further trade integration between the EU and ASEAN, could generate business opportunities for countries in both trading blocs. This analysis could serve as a basis for designing and implementing efective policies and strategies by policymakers in the face of a deepening EU-ASEAN trade integration. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the degree of complementarity of trade patterns, the weight of intra-industry trade, and the revealed comparative advantages allows us to outline some of those challenges and opportunities. Results suggest that intra-industry trade is moderate, mainly focused on few manufactures, accounting for a low value of total trade fows between the two blocs, and concentrated in a few countries. The Lafay index analysis suggests that the EU and ASEAN are natural partners regarding the technological patterns of the revealed comparative advantages; therefore, a deepening in trade integration between this trading blocs could allow to exploit those comparative
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleTechnological intensity in manufacturing trade between ASEAN and the EU: challenges and opportunitieses

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