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Differential expression of zinc transporters accompanies the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts.

dc.contributor.authorPaskavitz, Amanda L
dc.contributor.authorQuintana, Julia
dc.contributor.authorCangussu, Daniella
dc.contributor.authorTavera-Montañez, Cristina
dc.contributor.authorXiao, Yao
dc.contributor.authorOrtiz-Miranda, Sonia
dc.contributor.authorNavea, Juan G
dc.contributor.authorPadilla-Benavides, Teresita
dc.identifier.citationA.L. Paskavitz, J. Quintana, D. Cangussu, C. Tavera-Montañez, Y. Xiao, S. Ortiz-Miranda, J.G. Navea, T. Padilla-Benavides, Differential expression of zinc transporters accompanies the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts., Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology : Organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS). 49 (2018) 27–
dc.descriptionThis work was supported by the Faculty Diversity Scholars Award from the University of Massachusetts Medical School to T.P.-B. A.L.P. was partially supported by UMMS funding for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience program. S.O.-M. is supported by the grant NIH
dc.description.abstractZinc transporters facilitate metal mobilization and compartmentalization, playing a key role in cellular development. Little is known about the mechanisms and pathways of Zn movement between Zn transporters and metalloproteins during myoblast differentiation. We analyzed the differential expression of ZIP and ZnT transporters during C2C12 myoblast differentiation. Zn transporters account for a transient decrease of intracellular Zn upon myogenesis induction followed by a gradual increase of Zn in myotubes. Considering the subcellular localization and function of each of the Zn transporters, our findings indicate that a fine regulation is necessary to maintain correct metal concentrations in the cytosol and subcellular compartments to avoid toxicity, maintain homeostasis, and for loading metalloproteins needed during myogenesis. This study advances our basic understanding of the complex Zn transport network during muscle
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleDifferential expression of zinc transporters accompanies the differentiation of C2C12

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