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Lost in Transition? Digital trans activism on Youtube

dc.contributor.authoryolanda tortajada
dc.contributor.authorWillem, Cilia
dc.contributor.authorPlatero, Lucas
dc.contributor.authorarauna, nuria
dc.identifier.citation3. Iolanda Tortajada, Cilia Willem, R. Lucas Platero Méndez & Núria Araüna (2021) Lost in Transition? Digital trans activism on Youtube, Information, Communication & Society, 24:8, 1091-1107, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1797850 JCR Impact factor 4,124, Q1(Communication and Sociology)es
dc.description.abstractThis article intends to contribute to a novel research area - the construction of critical transgender narratives on Youtube – examining how some Spanish trans youtubers shift the focus from the ‘fleshy metamorphosis’ [Barnett, J. T. (2015). Fleshy metamorphosis: Temporal pedagogies of transsexual counterpublics. In L. G. Spencer & J. C. Capuzza (Eds.), Transgender communication studies: Histories, trends, and trajectories (pp. 155–172). Lexington], to becoming trans ‘media-bodies’ [Raun,T. (2010). Screen-births: Exploring the transformative potential intrans video blogs on YouTube. Graduate Journal of Social Science, 7(2), 113–130]. We examine the channel Lost in Transition, by Spanish transgender advocate Elsa Ruiz Cómica. In contrast to other trans youtubers, who focus mostly on ‘passing’ as the ultimate trans achievement, Elsa creates alternative narratives. We will argue that her practices emerge as a new political subject, disobedient to the legal and biomedical framing of transgenderism as a disorder. Our main conclusion is that Youtube is a site of ‘digital trans activism’ [Raun, T. (2016). Out online. Trans self-representation and community building on YouTube. Routledge.], where non-binary youtubers can perform the nonconforming subaltern body [Platero, R. L., & Rosón, M. (2019). ‘Neithermale or female; just Falete’: Resistance and queerness on Spanish TV screens. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 11(1), 135–143. doi:10.1386/cjcs.11.1.135_1] that would otherwise be invisible. This has implications for the public debate on transrights, as it lifts the issue of transition out of the medical sphere and puts it at the center of abroader cultural debate on gender
dc.publisherInformation, Communication & Societyes
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
dc.subjectgender identityes
dc.subjectdigital activismes
dc.titleLost in Transition? Digital trans activism on Youtubees

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