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Study of the use of social media by the royal houses of Spain and the United Kingdom for diplomatic purposes

dc.contributor.authorJorquera Trascastro, Aixa
dc.contributor.authorVázquez Sacristán, Isabel A.
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Hernández, Marina
dc.identifier.citationRodríguez Hernández, Marina; Vázquez Sacristán, Isabel A.; Jorquera Trascastro, A. Study of the use of social media by the royal houses of Spain and the United Kingdom for diplomatic purposes., e-journal of international relations. Dossiê temático Relações Internacionais e Redes Sociais, VOL12 N1, TD1, Julho de 2021.
dc.description.abstractAs means of communication and citizen participation, social networks are undoubtedly also today a way for the exercise of diplomacy. Therefore, we undertake this research with the aim of verifying how the highest diplomatic institutions in Spain and the United Kingdom are integrating the use of new technologies and, specifically, social platforms to connect with society, transmit transparency and proximity, manage their reputation, and exercise their role as national and international representatives of these States. Specifically, we compare the Spanish case with the British Royal Family, because it is the most popular reigning European monarchy among netizens. To do so, we analyse the adoption and use of social media by both royal houses. We identify the official profiles linked to them. We catalogue and study the content published by each institution. And we compare the practices carried out by them, finding that, although both institutions release institutional messages and leave a record of their diplomatic actions, the British Royal Family has been able to give a more personal, affable, and relaxed tone, acquiring a style more in tune with the participants of the networks.estas, comprobando que, si bien ambos organismos emiten mensajes institucionales y dejan constancia de sus actuaciones diplomáticas, la casa real británica ha sabido dotar a sus mensajes textuales y gráficos de un tono más personal, afable y distendido, adquiriendo un estilo más afín a los participantes de las
dc.publisherOBSERVARE. Universidade Autónoma de
dc.subjectRoyal Housees
dc.subjectSocial mediaes
dc.subjectUnited Kingdomes
dc.titleStudy of the use of social media by the royal houses of Spain and the United Kingdom for diplomatic purposeses

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