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Legal and ethical implications of applications based on agreement technologies: the case of auction‐based road intersections

dc.contributor.authorSantos, José‐Antonio
dc.contributor.authorFernández, Alberto
dc.contributor.authorMoreno‐Rebato, Mar
dc.contributor.authorBillhardt, Holger
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez‐García, José‐A.
dc.contributor.authorOssowski, Sascha
dc.identifier.citationSantos, JA., Fernández, A., Moreno-Rebato, M. et al. Legal and ethical implications of applications based on agreement technologies: the case of auction-based road intersections. Artif Intell Law 28, 385–414 (2020).es
dc.descriptionThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, co-funded by EU FEDER Funds, through Grants TIN2015-65515-C4-X-R (SURF) and RTI2018-095390-B-C33 (InEDGEMobility).es
dc.description.abstractAgreement technologies refer to a novel paradigm for the construction of distributed intelligent systems, where autonomous software agents negotiate to reach agreements on behalf of their human users. Smart Cities are a key application domain for agreement technologies. While several proofs of concept and prototypes exist, such systems are still far from ready for being deployed in the real-world. In this paper we focus on a novel method for managing elements of smart road infrastructures of the future, namely the case of auction-based road intersections. We show that, even though the key technological elements for such methods are already available, there are multiple non-technical issues that need to be tackled before they can be applied in practice. For this purpose, we analyse legal and ethical implications of auction-based road intersections in the context of international regulations and from the standpoint of the Spanish legislation. From this exercise, we extract a set of required modifications, of both technical and legal nature, which need to be addressed so as to pave the way for the potential real-world deployment of such systems in a future that may not be too far
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectAgreement technologieses
dc.subjectAutonomous vehicleses
dc.subjectIntersection managementes
dc.subjectIntelligent transportation systemses
dc.subjectEthical and legal aspectses
dc.subjectSpanish lawes
dc.titleLegal and ethical implications of applications based on agreement technologies: the case of auction‐based road intersectionses

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