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Eurozone rescue mechanisms: A new international financial law complementary to the EU law

dc.contributor.authorPastor Palomar, Antonio
dc.identifier.citationCarlos Jiménez Piernas (ed.) y A. M. Aronovit (ass.ed), New Trends in international Economic Law-From relativism to cooperation, "Publications of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law", Geneva/Zurich, 2018, Schulthess Editions Romandeses
dc.description.abstractThe issue of economic and monetary governance in the EU returned to the global international agenda with the sovereign debt crisis. From a regional perspective, the development of a single market for capital and financial services is still a central goal of the European integration process. However, the EU and its Member States faced divergence. The existing legal framework proved inadequate to address the short-term and long-term challenges pointed out by the crisis, i.e. fiscal discipline, job creation, tax harmonisation, access to credit and a Europe- wide permanent rescue fund. In fact, fragmented crisis resolution arrangements were reached between different groups of Member States. Once again, there are diverse speeds in the setting-up of a new European legal framework. The 2012 ECJ Judgment relating to the ESM Treaty can be interpreted in conjunction with all the rescue mechanism and, therefore, the ECJ ruled that they were compatible with EU
dc.subjectFinancial Law, Rescue Mechanisms, EU Law, Spain, European Financial Stability Facility, European Stability Mechanismes
dc.titleEurozone rescue mechanisms: A new international financial law complementary to the EU lawes

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