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Cluster Policy in the Basque Country (1991-2002): constructing “Industry-Government” collaboration

dc.contributor.authorAhedo, Manuel
dc.identifier.citationAhedo, Manuel (2004) Cluster policy in the Basque country (1991–2002): constructing ‘industry–government’ collaboration through cluster‐associations, European Planning Studies, 12:8, 1097-1113es
dc.identifier.issnPrint ISSN: 0965-4313 Online ISSN: 1469-5944
dc.description.abstractIn this article the industrial cluster policy in the Basque Region (Spain) since the early 1990s is analysed as a social process, where public and private organizations and institutions have interplayed and fostered two interrelated outcomes: (a) the construction of cluster‐associations, contributing to the development of inter‐firm interactions and a more inclusive industrial associationism in the weak Basque industrial and business associative system; and (b) the construction of an industry–government collaboration dynamic within a traditional lack of industry–government interactive relations. These outcomes present some strengths and weaknesses, and indicate some potentials to improve the initiated regional ‘industry–government’
dc.publisherTaylor & Francises
dc.titleCluster Policy in the Basque Country (1991-2002): constructing “Industry-Government” collaborationes

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