Advances in the knowledge of the Inocybe mixtilis group (Inocybaceae, Agaricomycetes), through molecular and morphological studies
Inocybe mixtilis constitutes a complex of species characterized by nodulose-angulose spores, absence of cortina and a more or less bulbous marginate stipe that is not darkening when desiccated. In order to elucidate species limits within the I. mixtilis complex, an ITS-RPB2 phylogeny was performed and interpreted using morpho- logical and ecological characters. Six supported clades were obtained in our analyses that correspond to I. mixtilis, I. subtrivialis, and four new species to science: I. ceskae, I. johannis-stanglii, I. nothomixtilis and I. occulta. Species within this complex can be morphologically recognized through a unique combination of morphological characters, such as the spore shape, cystidial length and shape, presence and development of the velipellis and pileus colour and viscidity. Nevertheless, those characters overlap, especially among I. mixtilis, I. ceskae and I. occulta, and intermediate collections are therefore more reliably identified through ITS-sequencing. Two species, I. ceskae and I. occulta are present in both North America and Europe, while the rest are so far only known in Europe, or Europe and Asia (I. mixtilis). All species, except I. johannis-stanglii, seem to be able to establish ectomycorrhizal associa- tion both with conifers and angiosperms. Descriptions, colour illustrations and a key to all known species in the I. mixtilis group are provided.
Datos moleculares recientes han demostrado que Inocybe mixtilis es en realidad un complejo de especies próximas. En este estudio se aborda la delimitación de especies en el grupo en base a una filogenia multigénica (ITS-LSU-RPB2) y estudios morfológicos comparativos. Como resultado se describen 4 especies nuevas para la ciencia y se propone una clave de identificación. Se discutn las relaciones biogeográficas y patrones de especiación de las especies.
- Artículos de Revista [4349]