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Pseudosclerococcum golindoi gen. et sp. nov., a new taxon with apothecial ascomata and a Chalara-like anamorph within the Sclerococcales (Eurotiomycetes)

dc.contributor.authorOlariaga, I.
dc.contributor.authorTeres, J.
dc.contributor.authorMartín, J.
dc.contributor.authorPrieto, M.
dc.contributor.authorBaral, H.-O.
dc.descriptionSe describe un nuevo género para acomodar a una nueva especie descubierta, que pertenece a la familia Dactylosporaceae. La especie se diferencia por sus ascas con ausencia de gelatina amiloide y el anamorfo de tipo CHalara. Se costruye una filogenia con apoyo para el clado de los Sclerococcales, discutiendo su evolució
dc.description.abstractSclerococcales encompasses a heterogeneous group of fungi, with most of the species included in the genus Sclerococcum (= Dactylospora). Species of Sclerococcum are characterized by having apothecial ascomata with asci covered by an external hemiamyloid gelatin and a thick euamyloid apical cap, while lacking an inner amyloid wall thickening. Asexual morphs, known for few species, are sporodochial. In this study, we describe Pseudosclerococcum golindoi as a new genus and species sister to Sclerococcum in a multigene phylogeny (nuITS, nuLSU, nuSSU, mtSSU). The fungus produces ascomata similar to those of Sclerococcum, but differs in having cylindrical asci embedded in an overall hemiamyloid gelatin with a fissitunicate dehiscence. Unlike Sclerococcum, Pseudosclerococcum golindoi produces a Chalara-like asexual morph. A possible symbiotic association of P. golindoi with Ascocoryne cylichnium is discussed. The presence of a hemiamyloid gelatin on lateral wall of asci, so far largely overlooked, is reported for some Sclerococcum species. Based on ascal characters and interpretation of the phylogenetic analyses, 14 names assigned to saprotrophic species, previously placed in Dactylospora, are combined in
dc.subjectBitunicate ascies
dc.titlePseudosclerococcum golindoi gen. et sp. nov., a new taxon with apothecial ascomata and a Chalara-like anamorph within the Sclerococcales (Eurotiomycetes)es

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