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From distributive & integrative to trans-generational negotiations. A statistical approach

dc.contributor.authorChamoun-Nicolas, Habib
dc.contributor.authorRabadán Pérez, Francisco
dc.contributor.authorD. Hazlett, Randy
dc.contributor.authorIbar Alonso, Raquel
dc.identifier.citationChamoun-Nicolas, H., Rabadán, F., Hazlett, R. & Ibar Alonso, R. (2018). From distributive & integrative to trans-generational negotiations. A statistical approach. Négociations, 29, 75-100.
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we identify a type of negotiation beyond the well-documented distributive and integrative categories in which the negotiators transcend the transaction and break away from the paradigms of individualism, which dictates that the only possible way to achieve success is by manipulating others for personal gain, emphasizing selfishness. A negotiation can only be transcendent by recognizing the human dimension of the other, prioritizing being over having, respecting the dignity of others, honouring agreements and maintaining the power of one’s word. Negotiations conducted in this manner have the potential to extend benefits to future generations (Chamoun et al. 2016). In addition to defining and identifying the Transcendent Negotiation, a statistical analysis poll, Opinión Pública y Política Fiscal XXXI (Linguaserve IS, 2017) and XXXII (Linguaserve IS, 2017), of 5000 households in Spain from the CIS (Centre of Sociological Research of Spain) was used to discern various social profiles of negotiating agents characterized by four factors (spiritual happiness, negotiating power, interpersonal ethics, and institutional ethics) and two variables (level of interpersonal trust and degree of self-empowerment). Groups with similar characteristics were identified from the statistical analysis and named according to negotiation theory and virtues. The original intent of using this statistical robust survey was to investigate the effect that the four factors and two variables mentioned above have on Transcendent negotiations. The groups were named according to negotiation theory and virtues. These are free riders, passer-by’s, pretenders, equilibrated well-positioned, outraged, equilibrated mediocre, and fighters. We observed tendencies from the statistical data group that are in line with the principles of Transcendence negotiation described in this
dc.titleFrom distributive & integrative to trans-generational negotiations. A statistical approaches

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