Detection and typing of molluscum contagiosum virus in skin lesions by using a simple lysis method and polymerase chain reaction
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A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the
rapid detection and typing of molluscum conta giosum virus (MCV) was developed. The target
DNA was a 393 base pair (bp) segment, which is
present in the coding region of the MCV p43K
gene product. Release of MCV DNA from skin
lesions was performed by using a simple proce dure that provided suitable template DNAfor am plification, and allowed detection of MCV directly
in clinical material. The PCR yielded a unique
393 bp product when MCV DNA was used as
template. This product was not shown with DNA
from other viruses and bacterial pathogens caus ing skin diseases. The specific PCR product was
obtained with individual lesions from all patients
clinically diagnosed with MCV infection, whereas
no products were detected with skin samples
from healthy individuals. Sequencing of this PCR
product allowed determination of the virus sub type on the basis of previously described nucleo tide differences between subtypes MCVI and
MCVII. To avoid the sequencing process, a sec ond PCR assay was developed, in which the tar get DNA sequence included a MCVI-specific rec ognition site for the restriction endonuclease
BamHI. This PCR assay yielded a unique 575 bp
product with lesions from either MCVI- or MCVII infected patients. However, only the MCVI-de rived product was susceptible to BamHl diges tion, which generated two fragments of 291 and
284 bp, respectively. Amplification of specific
MCV DNA sequences from single, individual le sions provides a sensitive and reliable method
for laboratory diagnosis and molecular epidemi ology studies of molluscum contagiosum.
Palabras clave
Journal of Medical Virology 50:342-349 (1996)