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Phase transitions and hindered rotation in dimethylacetylene at high pressures probed by Raman spectroscopy

dc.contributor.authorGarcía Baonza, Valentín
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Montoro, Óscar
dc.contributor.authorTaravillo Corralo, Mercedes
dc.contributor.authorCáceres Alonso, Mercedes
dc.contributor.authorNúñez, Javier
dc.identifier.citationV. G. Baonza, O. R. Montoro, M. Taravillo, M. Cáceres, J. Núñez; Phase transitions and hindered rotation in dimethylacetylene at high pressures probed by Raman spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys. 8 December 2004; 121 (22): 11156–11162.
dc.description.abstractWe present Raman spectroscopy experiments in dimethylacetylene ~DMA! using a sapphire anvil cell up to 4 GPa at room temperature. DMA presents phase transitions at 0.2 GPa ~liquid to phase I! and 0.9 GPa, which have been characterized by changes in the Raman spectrum of the sample. At pressures above 2.6 GPa several bands split into two components, suggesting an additional phase transition. The Raman spectrum of the sample above 2.6 GPa is identical to that found for the monoclinic phase II (C2/m) at low temperatures, except for an additional splitting of the band assigned to the fourfold degenerated asymmetric methyl stretch. The global analysis of the Raman spectra suggests that the observed splitting is due to the loss of degeneracy of the methyl groups of the DMA molecule in phase II. According to the above interpretation, crystal phase II of DMA extends from 0.9 GPa to pressures close to 4 GPa. Between 0.9 and 2.6 GPa, the methyl groups of the DMA molecules rotate almost freely, but the rotation is hindered on further
dc.publisherAmerican Institute of Physicses
dc.subjectHigh Pressure researches
dc.titlePhase transitions and hindered rotation in dimethylacetylene at high pressures probed by Raman spectroscopyes

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