Universal Fabrication of Highly Efficient Plasmonic Thin-Films for Label-Free SERS Detection


The development of novel, highly efficient, reliable, and robust surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates containing a large number of hot spots with programmed size, geometry, and density is extremely interesting since it allows the sensing of numerous (bio-)chemical species. Herein, an extremely reliable, easy to fabricate, and label-free SERS sensing platform based on metal nanoparticles (NPs) thin-film is developed by the layer-by-layer growth mediated by polyelectrolytes. A systematic study of the effect of NP composition and size, as well as the number of deposition steps on the substrate's performance, is accomplished by monitoring the SERS enhancement of 1-naphtalenethiol (532 nm excitation). Distinct evidence of the key role played by the interlayer (poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) or PDDA-functionalized graphene oxide (GO@PDDA)) on the overall SERS efficiency of the plasmonic platforms is provided, revealing in the latter the formation of more uniform hot spots by regulating the interparticle distances to 5 ± 1 nm. The SERS platform efficiency is demonstrated via its high analytical enhancement factor (≈106) and the detection of a prototypical substance(tamoxifen), both in Milli-Q water and in a real matrix, viz. tap water, opening perspectives towards the use of plasmonic platforms for future high-performance sensing applications.



S. Gullace, V. Montes-García, V. Martín, D. Larios, V. GirelliConsolaro, F. Obelleiro, G. Calogero, S. Casalini, P. Samorì 2100755, Universal Fabrication of Highly Efficient Plasmonic Thin-Films for Label-Free SERS Detection. Small 2021, 17, 2100755. https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202100755