The thermodynamic efficiency of the Lorenz system
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We study the thermodynamic efficiency of the Malkus–Lorenz waterwheel. For this purpose, we derive an exact
analytical formula that describes the efficiency of this dissipative structure as a function of the phase space
variables and the constant parameters of the dynamical system. We show that, generally, as the machine
is progressively driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium by increasing its uptake of matter from the
environment, it also tends to increase its efficiency. However, sudden drops in the efficiency are found at
critical bifurcation points leading to chaotic dynamics. We relate these discontinuous crises in the efficiency
to a reduction of the attractor’s average value projected along the phase space dimensions that contribute
to the rate of entropy generation in the system. In this manner, we provide a thermodynamic criterion that,
presumably, governs the evolution of far-from-equilibrium dissipative systems towards their self-assembly and
synchronization into increasingly complex networks and structures.
The authors wish to thank Álvar Daza and Rubén Capeans for fruitful discussion on Carnot’s theorem and the concept of reversible processes.
Palabras clave
Álvaro G. López, Fernando Benito, Juan Sabuco, Alfonso Delgado-Bonal, The thermodynamic efficiency of the Lorenz system, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 172, 2023, 113521, ISSN 0960-0779,

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