Analysing the cognitive effectiveness of the WebML visual notation


WebML is a domain-specific language used to design complex data-intensive Web applications at a conceptual level. As WebML was devised to support design tasks, the need to define a visual notation for the language was identified from the very beginning. Each WebML element is consequently associated with a separate graphical symbol which was mainly defined with the idea of providing simple and expressive modelling artefacts rather than by adopting a rigorous scientific approach. As a result, the graphical models defined with WebML may sometimes prevent proper communication from taking place between the various stake-holders. In fact, this is a common issue for most of the existing model-based proposals that have emerged during the last few years under the umbrella of model-driven engineering. In order to illustrate this issue and foster in using a scientific basis to design, evaluate, improve and compare visual notations, this paper analyses WebML according to a set of solid principles, based on the theoretical and empirical evidence concerning the cognitive effectiveness of visual notations. As a result, we have identified a set of possible improvements, some of which have been verified by an empirical study. Furthermore, a number of findings, experiences and lessons learnt on the assessment of visual notations are presented.


This research has been partially funded by the Regional Government of Madrid under project SICOMORo-CM (S2013/ICE-3006) and by the MASAI (TIN-2011-22617) and ELASTIC (TIN2014-52938-C2-1-R) projects, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.


Granada, D., Vara, J.M., Brambilla, M. et al. Analysing the cognitive effectiveness of the WebML visual notation. Softw Syst Model 16, 195–227 (2017).