Amino functionalized mesostructured SBA-15 silica for CO2 capture: Exploring the relation between the adsorption capacity and the distribution of amino groups by TEM
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The distribution of amino groups on amino-functionalized SBA-15 materials for CO2
adsorption was studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in combination
with a staining technique using RuO4 in order to analyse the influence of the aminated
organic chains location on the CO2 adsorption properties. Mesostructured aminofunctionalized
SBA-15 materials were obtained by co-condensation, grafting and
impregnation using aminopropyl, AP (N), ethylene-diamine, ED (NN), diethylenetriamine,
DT (NNN) and polyethyleneimine, PEI, as functionalizing agents. CO2
adsorption isotherms of functionalized samples at 45 ºC showed that both the adsorption
capacity (mg CO2/g ads) and the efficiency of amino groups (mol CO2/mol N) depend
on the functionalization technique and the amount of organic compound used. While
samples synthesized by co-condensation showed negligible CO2 uptake and efficiency,
adsorbents prepared by grafting and impregnation presented significant CO2 adsorption
capacities but a dissimilar efficiency. Key differences in the location of aminated chains
explained the performance of CO2 capture for every adsorbent, being grafted samples
the adsorbents where amino groups were better distributed, favouring the CO2 diffusion
trough the whole structure.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 158 (2012) 309-317