A novel approach based on integration of convolutional neural networks and echo state network for daily electricity demand prediction

dc.contributor.authorGhimire, Sujan
dc.contributor.authorNguyen-Huy, Thong
dc.contributor.authorAL-Musaylh, Mohanad S.
dc.contributor.authorDeo, Ravinesh C.
dc.contributor.authorCasillas-Pérez, David
dc.contributor.authorSalcedo-Sanz, Sancho
dc.descriptionThe authors thank the data providers, all the reviewers and the Editor for their thoughtful comments, suggestions and the review process. Partial support of this study is through the project PID2020-115454GB-C21 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN).es
dc.description.abstractPredicting electricity demand data is considered an essential task in decisions taking, and establishing new infrastructure in the power generation network. To deliver a high-quality electricity demand prediction, this paper proposes a hybrid combination technique, based on a deep learning model of Convolutional Neural Networks and Echo State Networks, named as CESN. Daily electricity demand data from four sites (Roderick, Rocklea, Hemmant and Carpendale), located in Southeast Queensland, Australia, have been used to develop the proposed hybrid prediction model. The study also analyzes five other machine learning-based models (support vector regression, multilayer perceptron, extreme gradient boosting, deep neural network, and Light Gradient Boosting) to compare and evaluate the outcomes of the proposed deep learning approach. The results obtained in the experimental study showed that the proposed hybrid deep learning model is able to obtain the highest performance compared to other existing models developed for daily electricity demand data forecasting. Based on the statistical approaches utilized in this study, the proposed hybrid approach presents the highest prediction accuracy among the compared models. The obtained results showed that the proposed hybrid deep learning algorithm is an excellent and accurate electricity demand forecasting method, which outperformed the state of the art algorithms that are currently used in this problem.es
dc.identifier.citationSujan Ghimire, Thong Nguyen-Huy, Mohanad S. AL-Musaylh, Ravinesh C. Deo, David Casillas-Pérez, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, A novel approach based on integration of convolutional neural networks and echo state network for daily electricity demand prediction, Energy, Volume 275, 2023, 127430, ISSN 0360-5442, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2023.127430es
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectElectricity demand forecastinges
dc.subjectSustainable energyes
dc.subjectArtificial intelligencees
dc.subjectDeep learninges
dc.subjectEcho state networkses
dc.subjectConvolutional neural networkses
dc.subjectHybrid algorithmses
dc.titleA novel approach based on integration of convolutional neural networks and echo state network for daily electricity demand predictiones


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