Assisted gene flow management to climate change in the annual legume Lupinus angustifolius L.: from phenotype to genotype


Climate change may hinder species' ability to evolutionarily adapt to environmental shifts. Assisted gene flow, introducingadaptive alleles into target populations, could be a viable solution for keystone species. Our study aimed to evaluate the benefitsand limitations of assisted gene flow in enhancing the evolutionary potential of Lupinus angustifolius L. (Fabaceae), consideringboth phenotypic and genomic perspectives. We collected seeds from four populations in Spain at two latitudes (north and south),and grew them in a common garden. We used pollen from southern individuals to pollinate northern plants and create an F1gene flow line that would advance its flowering onset. In the next season, we allowed F1 plants to self-pollinate creating an F2self-pollination line. We also created a backcross line by pollinating control northern plants with pollen from F1 plants. We meas-ured flowering onset, reproductive success, and other plant traits in all resulting lines. In parallel, we sequenced genes related toreproduction, growth, stress, nitrogen, and alkaloids. All gene flow-derived lines flowered significantly earlier than the controllines from the northern populations. F1 gene flow line plants produced heavier seeds and had a lower shoot growth than thosefrom the northern control lines. Genomic analyses identified 36 outlier SNPs between the control and the F1 gene flow lines,associated with differences in flowering onset, seed weight, and shoot growth. These results underscore that assisted gene flowcan enhance a population's evolutionary potential by altering specific traits. However, altering one trait may impact others in away that depends on the intrinsic characteristics of each population.


This work has been carried out thanks to the financial support of the EVA project (CGL2016-77377-R) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and DACWIRE R&D&I project PID2021-127841OA-I00 funded by 399 MICIU/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033/and by ERDF A Way for Europe. Carlos Lara-Romero was supported by a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación post-doctoral fellowship (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades: IJC2019-041342-I).


Sacristán-Bajo, S., Lara-Romero, C., García-Fernández, A., Prieto-Benítez, S., Morente-López, J., Rubio Teso, M.L., Torres, E. and Iriondo, J.M. (2025), Assisted Gene Flow Management to Climate Change in the Annual Legume Lupinus angustifolius L.: From Phenotype to Genotype. Evol Appl, 18: e70087.
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