Hospitalization Burden Related to Herpes Zoster Infection in Spain (2016–2019)
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Introduction: Herpes zoster (HZ) and its complications still represent a significant burden for
patients and health care systems. In Spain,
vaccination is progressively being introduced
and recommended for patients between 65 and
80 years old and patients [ 18 years of age suffering from certain immunosuppression conditions. The aim of this study is to estimate the
number of hospital admissions related to HZ
from 2016 to 2019 in Spain.
Methods: Data were collected from the Minimum Basic DataSet (MBDS) and codified
according to the Spanish version of the 10th
International Classification of Disease (ICD-10-
CM codes B02—B02.9). Among others, variables
such as sex, age and presence of complications
were included.
Results: A total of 27,642 hospitalizations were
identified (90% in patients [ 50 and 45.8% in
patients [80). Women represented 51.2% of
the patients, and 59.9% of patients presented
complications related to HZ. The hospitalization rate was 17.74, the mortality rate was 1.2,
and the case fatality rate was 6.75%. All rates
were significantly higher with age, among men
and in complicated HZ. Immunosuppression
status for which vaccination had been recommended represented 22.7% of the total cases,
affecting mostly individuals [ 65 and causing
more deaths in those[ 80 years. The estimated
annual cost of hospitalization for herpes zoster
was €35,738,285, and the mean cost per patient
was €5172.
Conclusion: The hospitalization burden for HZ
is still important in Spain. Data on the current
epidemiology are important to evaluate future
vaccination strategies.
Palabras clave
Infect Dis Ther . 2023 Jan;12(1):143-156